the best civilization on aoe2

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Jan 27, 2006
i am a massive fan of aoe2 and im constantly changing my mind about which is the best civilization. i have come to the conclusion that saracens have the best all round units but would like to hear your side of the storey if you think otherwise.
Mate, I always thought the Byzantines to have the strongest civilization courtesy of their excellent castles, economy bonuses etc.

Also, the French Cavalry have the highest hit points and given that they're the strongest unit in the game, thats a huge plus.

The Saracens weak camel units are always beaten by the stronger European cavalry.

One of the cheapest but effective units in the game often gets overlooked and thats the swordsmen units. 20 gold is top value given the bonuses that they have, particularly when they level up to two-handed swordsmen.

You can bunch 40 units into one group and my favourite combo was to have 5 monks, 10 cavalry, 15 mixed infantry and 15 skirmishers to nullify the AI's insistence on using expensive crossbowmen [45 Gold per unit is ridiculous for how weak they are]; and then to follow-up with I'd have a secondary group of 5 artillery units - with preference for the trebuchets given their range and strength - and I'd keep them close to my main group and then pound away at the enemy's walls and buildings while having the artillery fully protected by the first group. Also, I'd have a villager follow the artillery to 'repair' them on the run if they suffered damage.

Dude, Medieval Total War 2 will be the equivalent of Age of Empires 2 in full and beautiful 3d, not to mention the massive leaps forward in complex gameplay that will come with that game.

But, like you, I still play AOE 2 because it truly is a classic given its age and gameplay dynamics that are still cool today. Rome: Total War, is a good game.
yeah your right byzantines have the most upgrade avaliable but the saracens are not far behind
i rekon if you just use mamelukes awsome against horses, cavalry archers which the saracens have good bonuses for against all footman and seige onagers against everthing else the isn't much the other team can do.
when is medievil totalwar coming out it sounds awsome.
I've been playing AoE2 for a while now and find the English to be the best for attack and defense.

I get 5 priests together and group them with Longbowman and make sure they stand guard. That way they don't break up when attacked. No matter what is thrown at them, because of the distance they can fire nothing can get near them. (Apart from the catapault).

In attack I get 5 trebuchets to follow them. The longbowman protect the trebuchets whilst they tear down the enemies buildings.
that's like an old game......but i respect you for sticking to it..after all, if i can find my original C&C game CD i'll play the NOD missions over and over again (waiting for RA3).

do you know what the best way is to defend against a hoard of longbowman?

a friend of mine uses your strategy, and I want to beat him without using the english.

I assume you meany to reply to me, not Wolfy?

You don't 'defend' against Longbowmen. Sitting back and letting ballistic units attack you is suicide - even castles will eventually be destroyed by bows.

The way to defeat archers is to charge them down using cavalry - the archers aren't very good at hand-to-hand combat. Also, research whatever pierce armour you can - it will give your troops a bit more protection as they charge down the bowmen.

If you're attacking a building filled with archers, you need to destroy the building quickly to force the archers onto the ground. Trebuchets are your friends here - you can take a building down safely out of range of it's archers. Failing that, sappers, cannon(ships) or even a few battering rams will do the trick.
i think that the persians are the best they have the greatest specialist unit of all time
just think about that for an argueement and i would like to ask a question
what is the best tactics hold back and make a huge army or attack in waves you decide
I think, the Turks are the best civ. because the can recute good and mixed armys of scorpions, camel,cavalier, cav. archers and chapmpions. Moreover, the bombard cannons, galleons and towers have +2 range.
:non: I thjink the sarcen and the byzantines saracens have very sronge camels en mameluke how are very effective vs cavarly and tghe byzasntine have very godd defense
The Frank's Paladin rush was the most success I saw in multiplayer. Games hardly lasted longer than 10 minutes, tops. Damn what a great game AoE2 was!
yes but has anyway faced a barrage of turkish Janissaries they have such extreme power and range, slightly less than the long bowman but so much more power than them. iv actually tried to figure out ways to beat them and have failed time and time again against friends. we have actually labled them a cheat race because they are so good. the closest iv come actually is with a mixture of cavalry and samurai as samurai are lethal to special units and when my friends use turks they only build janissaries they have no other army so the samurai have no other units to worry about. and if you think why not just build tons of horses they then build a few pikeman or wha ever to counter that, doesnt have to be alot just enough to distract the horses whilst the janissaries blow them to crap. anyway if anyone does have a good way of beating them pleaaaaaase let me know. cheers
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