Please bless me with a Pc Part Picker list of a build that will meet the minimum requirements for.... er. Something. That totally exists.
I don't need to consult AI to know a CPU that meets whatever requirements Microsoft spelled out does not exist. If you want to wait for one, please yourself.
There is no point. You're taking a massive dump on a real and usable CPU and i guess advising people to instead buy a laptop or wait for the next generation of socket, CPU and motherboard to come out.
Win 11 is currently expected to recieve updates through 2034. Possibly at some point it will require some AI capability but more than likely not. Certainly not soon enough to render the current generation of CPUs worthless.
Face it, the CPU in question represents good value, good performance and has longevity. And despite your best efforts at being a clown, you have nothing to offer in favor of the upcoming intels. Including an actual chip people can buy or an OS that supports it.
This is obviously very early technology that people can dip their toe in, but are not ready nor eager to cannonball into. After a generation or two, things might move in that direction.
Are you seriously going to insult me for thinking you're nuts to tell people not to buy a great gaming CPU today, so that they can buy something probably cool and ok 2-3 years from now?