News The Biggest Deal In Gaming Is Under Fire From U.S. Senators

Irrelevant. None of these 4 have the power to sway enough of the vote.
Even though the 4 names in question are very outspoken and very influential in our country I for now agree with @Captain Discombobulate to a good degree in the sense that if the 4 senators in question are the only ones opposed between now and when the deal closes, their complaint won't make much difference in stopping the deal. However; notice I said these 4 are "very influential" 1 sentence ago. From that, what we might see from here (watchword being "might") is more senators joining their complaint either by reading what they wrote today, agreeing and joining the cause in the days ahead or these senators will going forward consult others in the government and get them to agree to join them. It has happened before and even in the socio-political climate we are in right this second don't think we won't ever see it again because as James Bond said in License to Kill, "Always expect the unexpected!" Out!
Whatever happened to the rule of law in this country? The FTC has no right whatsoever to oppose or block any acquisition on the basis of "social and gender inequality", whether real or perceived.