The Bourne Ultimatum is Best of Franchise


Apr 3, 2001
As with the Bourne Supremacy, the camera work was poor on some scenes. In Supremacy, the camera was shaking and moving in manner that it was difficult to see the action. Same thing with Ultimatum in some scenes. I understand that photographing these scenes in such a manner seeks to enhance the action. However, I want to see the damn fight; it is Bourne's martial skills that I want to see. With a jerky camera, we are not allowed to watch the real fight. We are missing Bourne/Damon true skills.


Aug 27, 2005
Yeah, I like Paul Greengrass but he needs to put the camera on a tripod once and a while and take it off some guy's shoulder.


Sep 1, 2007
I just wanted to point out the barrel roll was an homage to a move Damon did as Bourne in one of the earlier movies. It was a way to denote how well trained Desh was as well as to further imply they were that EVENLY matched and it would be a battle of sheer survival to see which one would be better in a fight for thier life.

It was a point to show that some of the fights in the past had been good, but this one would be of sheer ferocity. It's why they even went so far as to eliminate any soundtrack (something Greengrass had also done in Supremacy) but also to film it in that close a space (the other films had more room to fight) and the sounds echoed, putting RIGHT THERE, in the BEST choreographed, non-shakey camera filmed fight in the movie.

It made the point it was meant to: Bourne had somehow come to terms with what he was, in a way, and rather than avoid the killing, only using it as a last resort, as he had in the other movies, he had learned to turn it on and off.

And when he turns it on, he has no equal, in the end.