the death of a gamer.


Nov 2, 2013
my question is: What can be done about this problem?

My problem is that most of the 3d rendered games i play are just super slow and choppy now.

this never happened before when i had a 32 bit system. a couple months ago i formatted my hard drive and installed windows 64 bit.

when i first installed it everything was fine and dandy. but just maybe 2 weeks ago ill try to play arma 2 and other 3d games and they would be so laggy and choppy.

i thought ram was the problem so i installed an extra 8Gb so now i have 12Gb

no change in preformace on those types of games.

(I play games like terraria fine though)

OS:Windows 7 64-bit professional
CPU: Intel i5-2310
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
RAM: 12Gb (1x 4gb corsair vengance 2x 4gb corsair vengenace LP)

(If i left out vital information just tell me)


would a format and a clean install of everything help in any way? or will it just waste my time?
Try the latest driver from Nvidia before writing the card off as faulty though. Uninstall your current driver first and then install the latest driver.

Check for viruses. Make sure Windows is fully up to date. Also make sure you aren't running any programs in the background that could be causing performance issues. Real time scanning on some virus scanners can do that. Recording with fraps will drag down performance as well, if you are using it. Torrent programs can also drag down performance.

Just a couple things to look into.


I tried to do the driver solution, i uninstalled what i assumed was my graphics driver for it was labeled as such

After uninstalling it restarted. Now i cant see a thing on the screen, its black and its still running becuase i heard it boot, plz help.

I cant reboot it in safe mode, the screen is black even when the boot screen comes. Its black all the time.

Im using the vga slot native to my motherboard
My old GTX 470 on one of my systems is slowly dying and exhibiting the same problems you are having. I often have to boot 3 or 4 times to get a display on my monitor. Try rebooting a few times to see if you get any display. If not, the card may have finally died on you. The timing is a bit odd but stranger things have happened.

Dont know if this is important, my monitor is off, like the screen is not on.

The light is flashing as if its getting no signal. But i know it works, like i said its in my mother boards vga slot

Just checking. Do you have your monitor hooked into the video card or the motherboard? Motherboard is onboard video adapter, and the video card is your discrete video adapter. If you were hooked into the motherboard from the start of your issues you were using onboard video, not your video card. That would of been the cause of your low performance.

Try both individually and see what happens.

Yes that is what i thought too.

The thing is though i used to use my video card's outputs. I forgot the reasoned i stopped....

Anyway i used to have what i think was an ddi adapter. My video card only uses 2 ddi and 1 mini hdmi.

I remember because when i used to get a touch bios boot screen when my computer started. Ever since i used the vga on my motherboard i havent seen it since.

I may have to use my video card. First ill have to get the adapters.

( i just want to thank everybody helping me here, if i didn't have you guys i would have no idea what I'm doing)

hey i got the adapter now i can see my screen.


now when i try to go to the nividia site to download the drivers it says acess denied.

(computer... why you do dis?)

Try here instead:


Thank you, i installed the driver and now i can actually play the games that i couldnt before.

a lil crappier than when i first got it but oh well. new GPU for myself for Christmas 😛.
Is your mother board have tri or dual lane ram slots? I ask because if you have 12GB of ram I assume that is 3x4GB. If you plug that into a dual lane motherboard you would get better performance only using 2 of the exact same ram dimms. Note put them in slot 1 and 3, or slot 2 and 4.

Edit I just checked your mother board is dual channel, so only use 2 or 4 ram dimms. Using 3 is actually giving you less performance.

yes that is what i did with the ram i received