The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk0\DR0.


Jan 18, 2018
The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk0\DR0.

Can a large page file and not enough RAM cause this error? I have a 120GB SSD, 4GB RAM, 60GB page file on a Win10 64bit mining machine. When I reduce the page file to 30GB, I have issues with my mining software running out of memory.

Anyway, I'm getting the error above on two mining rigs. They constantly get those disk errors. If I restart them, they work just fine for 6-8 hours and then the system just hangs.
My guess is that Windows is trying to expand your page file and running out of space. 4 GB is right small for a 64 bit version of Windows, and RAM is not that expensive so I'd up the RAM to 8 GB. If you have a hard drive in addition to the SSD, you could move the page file to it.
That's kind of what I've been thinking because I've exhausted all other options. I've replaced the board, replaced the ssd, tried to different sata controllers and sata cables ... Reinstalled Win10. Ran chkdsk. I ordered additonal ram the other day, so I'll be upgrading all of my mining rigs to 8gb tonight. Crossing my fingers that this works.
So I upgraded both mining rigs to 8GB RAM. I can't decrease the size of the page file below 50GB or I end up getting errors in the mining software that say it ran out of memory. So we're at a 50GB page file, but still getting the disk controller errors in the event log.

I'm at a loss for what to do at this point ... I've swapped ssd's, sata cables, motherboard, checked bios settings against the system that is not getting disk controller errors, updated chipset drivers ... I guess I could get a couple of 32GB DDR sticks and test that in one system. The weird thing is that I have three identical systems and two of them are getting these disk errors. The other is not.

I'll try moving the page file to a non-ssd and see what happens when I do that.