The Elder Scrolls Online No Longer Requires A Subscription

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I never played this game. I didn't like the subscription model. Now that it's F2P is it worth it? The majority of reviews I've read from gamers rate it as "meh". I love Skiyrm if that means anything.
game is just not worth it.. its a buggy, boring single player game with NOTHING of the Elder Scrolls spirit. oh, its got some extremely phased and pointless multiplayer hacked into it.

Why is it a single player if it is Elder Scroll "Online"? You can't do quests together? 🙁
I'm really surprised that they're still working on the console version. It's true that most of Skyrim's sales were on consoles but they're not really the typical MMO crowd...
To be fair about console MMOs you have to consider successes like Phantasy Star Online/Universe and Final Fantasy XI and XIV. MMO games are not common on consoles, but if the games are actually well designed and enjoyable to play, they sell in spades.
Maybe I'm biased because TES has been a friend since the Arena days, but I'm surprised there isn't more outright hate for turning our cherished hallmark of single-player games into a MMO. Everything that made the older games great is diametrically opposed to multiplayer gaming. If the developers were willing to make that jump, is it really surprising that they are going the free-to-play/pay-to-win route? Next up, you'll be paying real money for every arrow you shoot through someone's knee.
Unless they're going to accompany this with drastic changes to the game, then I'm not sure this is going to make much of a difference. There are still the issues with non-instanced areas being swept clean by players which is what prevented me from continuing outside the beta; an RPG should have a good single-player component free from disruption by the "online" elements, but with the option to delve into multiplayer content if you want to.

Having players running around in hub areas is fine, as it gives a sense of life and activity, and provides the social aspect, but having them running around everywhere else just cripples the experience and results in overly fast enemy respawns and no sense of having any impact on the world (though Skyrim is somewhat guilty of that too with bandits quickly moving back into areas you just cleared).

The instanced content meanwhile was good fun but with generally lacklustre loot due to there being too many crafting materials I never used. Gameplay-wise it was a lot more fun, but wildly differing difficulty levels often left an area impossible to solo at lower levels, forcing you to group up, rather than scaling with group-size like a good multiplayer game should. There also needs to be more tweaking of combat to more closely match Skyrim (minus some annoyances Skyrim had) as it just felt flat.
I knew it, they knew it, everyone knew it. Subscription based games never last...Except World of warcraft. People just want to buy the game and be done with it.

its not that they cant last, its that right now there is to much competition from free to play to warrant a pay to play experience.
STEP 1 - Finish single player game (while watching others running around too)

STEP 2 - Enter dungeon

STEP 3 - Watch others camp for respawn enemies.

STEP 4 - Turn off ESO and play Skyrim (or Oblivion)

*As a multi-player it just doesn't work. Maybe with a lot of tweaking and balancing and working around respawning breaking game immersion but immersion is why I love single player with Skyrim and Oblivion.

I've yet to even finish Skyrim due to time (will enter almost every dungeon and building) and then I'll be getting the WITCHER 3 and spend time on that.

I just don't like MMO's I guess.
I will now play it though i do not think it will be a good MMORPG game as i have every game in the series besides this one so at least for the sake of having the entire collection i will get this one but i do not think it will be worth it going by the other reviews on this site.

Honestly you're not far off. I play my share of MMO, multiplayer team based games (or some solo at that) and singleplayer, and this was one of the worst iterations of taking a single player game to an MMO I've seen from a reputable company. Anywhere from single targets per physical attack to the spawn camping you mentioned. My own personal taste is that I don't care for the lack of PvP to the degree I'm used to, but I understand thats my own preference. This game could've been made better, and is probably the only one where I'd agree (cause I absolutely hate them) instances would've made sense.
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