The Fable 3 Trailer From E3 (Xbox 360, Windows)

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Another fable with uncool characters. I want a badass looking hero, not someone who looks like they are going to a gala or to play polo.
I adore Fable II and am excited for Fable III. It was strange this game was given short shrift at Microsoft's E3 press conference. There were plenty of new features that could have been demonstrated. I suspect Fable III's Kinect features weren't ready and that resulted in it's stage time being cut.

I'm looking forward to reveals in August at Gamescom.
[citation][nom]damonation[/nom]"Lionhead Studios remains loyal to PC gamers" What happened to Fable 2 for the PC?[/citation]
oh, they are loyal! fable 2 was an epic crapfest that they wanted to keep off of the pc! how nice of them!
[citation][nom]damonation[/nom]"Lionhead Studios remains loyal to PC gamers" What happened to Fable 2 for the PC?[/citation]

Microsoft Management happened.

With the new SDKs from Microsoft it should be pretty easy to do a port, even a crappy one like GTA 4 😀. I guess we'll see.

Honestly, can't wait for this one. It's unfortunate that Fable II never came out for PC but since I have a 360 I'm not missing out on story there.
I had Fable (1) on PC and XBOX. Enjoyed it. Never played Fable 2 (since it's XBOX 360 only) but I've seen it played. I just wish they'd make Fable 3 less linear and more of an open environment. Would be more fun that way. :)

Very happy it's coming out on PC at the same time as the crapBox version. :)
I hate how Fable II and III moved into the blackpowder age. I think the setting for Fable I made it more fun. I would much rather play Fable I then II even though the gameplay is better on II
damonation :
"Lionhead Studios remains loyal to PC gamers" What happened to Fable 2 for the PC?

Microsoft Management happened.

With the new SDKs from Microsoft it should be pretty easy to do a port, even a crappy one like GTA 4 😀. I guess we'll see.


"I say fusion_gtx is a stuck-up gay who hates gta and enjoys playing barbie with gayfriends and finds him+herself fantasizing about ken, go sell some antibiotics my wise and beautiful friend."
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