The Failed Obama Strategy of Romney's War on Women

The Obama Campaign continues to promote the talking point that presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney is out of touch with women and will "turn back the clock women's rights to the 1950's". Meanwhile, the Obama campaign continues to exploit Sandra Fluke and promote how the ACA provides free contraception as proof of Obama's love of women.

Now, most people see these at typical election season scare tactics targeting independent women voters in an effort to turn them towards Obama.

But, there are the die hard Obama-maniacs who are too blind to see the obvious and take the hate politics bait hook-line-and-sinker. For a hilarious look into the mind-set of Obama-maniacs and their unabated fervor for all things Obama, check out the Revealing Politics video What a Fluke.

I especially enjoyed the looks on their faces when he asked that very could see obviousness of their hypocrisy put their brains into android lock-out...

I am going to ask you straight to the point. Do you think Obama is a Socialist?
According to the below email, Obama will do whatever it takes to get re-elected, and not worried about being left, center or right:

Desperate to win re-election in November and unable to run on his dismal record, Obama continues to divide America in order to conquer another four years in the White House.

The Department of Homeland Security will implement the new amnesty plan—also known as “deferred action”—on August 15th. At that time, illegal immigrants caught using a stolen or fraudulent Social Security number will not be charged with a crime.

Illegal immigrants convicted of felonies or misdemeanors can be allowed to stay.

And anyone who claims they are under thirty and have been in the United States since age 16 will be granted amnesty

In fact, more than 1,200 illegal’s whose cases were pending, or who were about to be deported, have been granted the ability to stay. Beginning August 15th, millions more will be able to latch onto the President’s amnesty and avoid deportation—even if they have been convicted of one or more crimes.

The American people are going to be increasingly unsafe because of Obama’s shameless pandering. Sure, you or a family member could be killed or injured in an accident involving an illegal immigrant, but traffic violations are just the tip of the iceberg. Consider the time, pain, and expense of having to deal with an illegal immigrant using your Social Security number, as a mother of a 3 year-olds stolen number just discovered.

The Department of Homeland Security has refused to answer questions about Obama’s amnesty order.
They just post stuff from rightwing writers who actually make the stuff up.

I post stuff made up by liberal writers.

I wonder if one day someone will catch on that the spindoctors actually train and hangout with each other and move from camp to camp.

The job of the sheep is to believe ... not think.

I would say that Obama is VERY far left.

There is no easy answer to this question, as Obama and his 3.5 years as President can not be defined by any one single political ideology; it is not strictly socialist, marxist, or communist, and does not follow the tenets of anyone political ideology.

Obama has demonstrated multiple approaches to running the American government. His policies and use of Executive fiat has demonstrated partial uses of egalitarianism, technocracy, meritocracy, neo-socialism, French non-conformism, and the "Third Way".

About the only thing I can say for sure is that Obama has demonstrated a disregard for the Constitution, a disdain for our republican form of government, and a willingness to ignore the will of the People in favor of following his own agenda.

Im a little uncomfortable with the fact that they believe life begins at fertilization. Technically if Ryan had his way, birth control pills would be illegal because a pill doesn't prevent fertilization.


My bad I though there was an election going on and we were discussing how the candidates would handle women's rights. :sarcastic: I forget what Romney thinks this week about contraception.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bomb shelter this morning.


lol you're the one making a kersploosh about it. And yes I just made that word up and will be using from time to time now.

By your logic though Voter fraud doesnt have enough of an impact to be important, but we still had those wonderful threads you made for it. So I guess we can drop that.

Since the president cant declare war we shouldn't bother to hear about their views on the war, again using your logic here.

Since "entitlements" only make a up small percent of your taxes its not a dire issue facing our nation, we can drop that too.

Paul Ryan honest to God thinks that life begins as soon as the sperm rams head first into the egg, at that moment a soul flies in through the vagina (Im assuming, that's the only way in I'm familiar with) and it becomes a person, I think this is worth mentioning.


Obama knows he is in big trouble. The economy still sucks despite him having essentially free reign for two years with a Democrat super-majority in the Senate and a majority in the House and dumping trillions of dollars into various places that was supposed to fix things. He is going to grasp at anything he can to try to stay in power. Look at how he is trying to do anything to divert the attention from the massive debt and high unemployment. The "war on women" crap is just one of the multitude of things he is pushing out there to try to get the discussion to be anything besides his record.

The best way to describe his ideology is "corrupt."

....I hope you got a full nights sleep because you made no sense. I think the candidates views on reproductive rights is important.
Which part of what I said isnt true? Paul Ryan actually believes that.

This thread is titled 'The Failed Obama Strategy of Romney's War on Women", considering Romney just tapped a man who is not a champion of women's rights would be fitting.

I dont agree with Paul Ryans policy on women, why are you being so defensive about this?

He wants to defund planned parenthood, which I am not down with.

Voted for the controversial anti-abortion bill that would have outlawed abortion even in cases or rape or incest.

Supports the right of companies to deny their workers birth control on religious grounds.

Im still not sure what your deal is.... Im posting about a candidates views on womens healthcare in a thread about candidates and womens healthcare......

You are acting a lot weirder than normal....

Im just a personal choice kinda guy, let people decide if they want to get an abortion or not, its not up the government.
He isn't saying something is untrue, its just that it is rather psychotic to apply rules to something that they are not supposed to be involved in.

You don't want big government? How do you feel about government being involved in every stage of your sex life and wasting resources to enforce laws about what goes on in the bedroom? Does that not also give the bigger government that we are supposed to all fear? The only reason there is a debate over all of this is because the catholic church has been anti abortion and birth control for so long, but that was when they needed good little christian children to grow the ranks, now we are plummeting rapidly towards idiocracy as we live in a society where we depend so heavily on technology yet so few know enough about it.

also, i raise you this
Let the church mind their own dam business!
I am all for unfunding Planned Parenthood. It's just another waste of our tax dollars and provides nothing that our current health care system can't already deliver.

Read up the history of Planned Parenthood. It has to be one of the most racist and inhumane organizations in the history of these United States. Briefly, Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger in 1916 and opened it's first clinic in Brooklyn, NYC. Margaret Sanger was a known eugenicist believed in using birth control as a means to stop the "unfit" from having children. Here are some of my favorite Margaret Sanger quotes....
"...eugenics is suggested by the most diverse minds as the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems."
"Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent Multiplication of this bad stock."
"[Slavs, Latin, and Hebrew immigrants are] human weeds ... a deadweight of human waste ... [Blacks, soldiers, and Jews are a] menace to the race."
"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."

The liberal machine has done a tremendous job at turning a racist eugenicist into a pop culture hero and champion of women's rights. How ironic...

What about legitimate medical uses? There are reasons why a woman would be on birth control, and being f*cked is not the first reason on the list.
How long ago did Sanger operate? Like 80 years.

Most people had backwards ideas about just about everything in the 20's. Fly through some aether to get to the moon? lol