The final build


Jun 4, 2015
Hi everyone.

I've lost count on how many times I've said this is the final build and then changed something at the last minute. I now hope this is the final build. I've linked the PC below. If like your honest thoughts on the machine please. If I were to play a game like GTA 5 at max settings, what FPS do you think I can get?

One other thing. My uncle has asked if the i5 4690k will be enough? All the research I have done makes it seem like the ideal processor. What do y'all think? Will the i5 hold the PC's performance back? Would I be worth while getting a i7 processor. I'll only be gaming, watching/downloading movies, listening to music and web surfing.


It will probably be overclocked in the future. And yes, this is the top of my budget. Would you suggest spending more?


Not necessarily, but you could potentially get an i7 for the price of that i5 if you were willing to stay at stock speeds.