Actually Crytek really didn't have a choice but to go this route. To max out Crysis (ultra-high, full aa, etc) AND get a consistent 60 fps, you need a gtx 690 or high-end cards in Sli or Cfx. That's why Crysis was more of a tech demo than anything else, that and it's run-of-the-mill gameplay. Don't know if you guys remember a game from '98 called Trespasser, the Jurassic Park game that was meant to "revolutionize PC gaming". When it was released, it was in the same boat. Not even the fastest systems could run it. That, coupled with its numerous bugs and glitches made the game a disaster, even though it had some amazing innovations. Also, Cevat's statement about being next gen ready two years ago is utter nonsense. If he thinks that developers that have been around for years (Epic, Activision, etc) with innumerable game development experience can't close that gap in a short amount of time, he's out of his mind.