The high video card for price/effiency


Jan 16, 2009
I have looked at lots of reviews and concluded with a recent price drop from ATI that the 4870x2 is the most reasonable card to buy if you want to invest a new pc.

Maybe the GTX 260 is ranked 2nd if looking at price/efficiency 😀

4870x2 = 320$

GTX295 = 500 $

hmm people do the right decision.

the best card availible will APPARENTLY be availible late this month, the sucsessor to the 4870x2 with directx 11 faster everything rv800 gpu 40 nm
also no question 295 beats 4870x2, but its overkill relly for todays games, both of them are. ati/amd has always been more bang for your buck

that product is deactivated according to newegg, doewsnt show a price

Wait i could of sworn it was available a few minutes ago lol.

Your Price:$329.99
well just cuz it doesnt have any reviews or anytning but still im waiting to get the new ati chip, instead of getting a 4870x2 right now. future proof myself, made the mistake of rushing to a 4850 last christmas now its holding back my system especially with 512mb