Aspiring techie :
DerpDerp1234 :
Daekar3 :
Well, more of the expected slanted reporting. It's not like the world is all of a sudden going to change, it's just going to be like it was shortly before the election. The only reason they passed this at the last minute was because they knew it was improper and would need to be repealed. Why do you think the entire press corps had their message ready to plaster everywhere?
The FCC should never have been regulating this. This would be the job of the FTC.
You can opt out now, just like you could before.
Really, this is small potatoes. The legislation you should be pushing for would be FAR more reaching in protecting consumer privacy.
Someone that gets it, wow! They are basically making a mountain out of a mole hill, the modern 'journalists' in a nut shell.
And what a molehill. ISPs can only collect a fraction of the data Google and Facebook collect. Google and Facebook make loads of money through advertising based on the data. ISPs can't leverage the data nearly as much as those companies, so it seems ridiculous that they aren't subject to the same freedom Google and Facebook are.
Um ISPs can collect 100% of the information because they are gatekeepers. Google and Facebook can only collect info from sites they own or are utilized through. Which you can avoid by simply not using them or employing add-ons like Adblock and Ghostry to greatly reduce what they can collect. Not to mention that Google and Facebook are free and pay for themselves with ads while I have to shovel out hard cash for an ISP connection and will receive zero benefit from the ISP now selling my data.
The only effective tool to avoid ISP collection is to use a VPN, for which you'll have to pay for.
As for the FTC, no they can't. ISP are labeled as common carries over which the FTC has no authority. The FCC rules would have put in place a required opt-in system, which effectively replaced the previous FTC rule that no longer applied. Which wasn't even a rule but a meaningless, toothless, guideline that suggests opt-in are best but feel free do opt-out instead.
Of course this the end game of the ISPs to place themselves in a regulatory grey zone where no one has authority over them and they can get away with anything. Since they are regional monopolies they can use and abuse their customers (which is why they are constantly rated as the worst customer service companies in the country) and have zero fear of any meaningful financial blow back.