Not sure where to post this. It seems to be an internet problem, as numerous websites with embedded video struggle to load them. My speed test is great with A+ scores all round. It applies to three browsers I tried. I removed my Bitdefender suite with no improvement.
Video on many sites seems to show a spinning circle forever or if it loads, it stutters or stalls. I wondered if this was a common experience and if not what on earth can I do about it. As I said, my cable internet is performing great, and the web is otherwise very responsive. The sites causing trouble tend to be news aggregation sites, maybe that is a clue?
Win 11 homebuilt system, main browser Edge or Firefox. Cable internet over Ethernet. 32Gb RAM. SSD boot drive.
Video on many sites seems to show a spinning circle forever or if it loads, it stutters or stalls. I wondered if this was a common experience and if not what on earth can I do about it. As I said, my cable internet is performing great, and the web is otherwise very responsive. The sites causing trouble tend to be news aggregation sites, maybe that is a clue?
Win 11 homebuilt system, main browser Edge or Firefox. Cable internet over Ethernet. 32Gb RAM. SSD boot drive.