The libs, Hollywood and the lie

Another wonderful Republican full of himself like the rest of your party.

I didnt write it marv, nor am I against it, its the dems who are against it, as well as some republicans.
Im just tired of hearing this doesnt work, or isnt fair, or it wont make jobs move overseas, but theyre all being pushed by the left, they spent the money, not I, tho I agree with them, they just say it cant work
Like Benghazi, this isnt political when the democrats do it, and republicans agree, since those whos spent the money are dems, those who testified are dems.
No, not political, just the truth marv
I dont get the point of this post, movies are filmed overseas all the time. The original Tantooine was in Tunisia.... And don't forget most of it was filmed in London. Besides have you seen episodes 1-3 ?!?!?!