I don't know if this is normal, but my computer started acting strange when I turn it off. I was playing COD ghosts, and windows 8.1 crashed. So I decided to restart the computer, and it forced me to update something. After leaving to do some things, the update still hasn't finished (I have pretty fast internet + wired, so I don't know why it didn't finish downloading it) So I pressed the restart button on my PC and it loaded fine. After using a computer, I decided to head off to sleep, and I shut it down from windows, and then the screen goes black (Like every shut down) but my computer was still running. (CPU, GPU, SSD, HDD, fans, and power supply) I left it there for 20 mins, then come back, and it's still on, but screen is black. So i just forced it off with the shut off button.
Honestly, I have never had this problem with Win7, this is my first time with 8.1 having this problem. Is this a bug with Win8.1? Or......something else.....