The More I Delete The Less Space I Have?


Oct 10, 2014
So I have a 1TB HDD on my custom built machine. I am using up more space than I would like so I went and deleted, uninstalled, and moved programs. I had to have moved about 100GB of information. My storage said I had 497GB free space left.... but after I did everything- I am down to 437GB of free space when I should have about 550GB free space!

I ran Malwarebytes and it isn't detecting anything. Also ran Ccleaner which gets rid of all of my temp files, and obsolete junk and nothing. I even ran Enhanced Disk Cleanup and still nothing. I am now about to try a de-fragmentation- but I honestly doubt that will change my predicament... please if anyone has any other suggestions- let me know.
Hi there Cryptos,

It may be a good idea to adjust your System Restore settings.
Check these out:

Hope this will help,

It's still scanning and won't be done for awhile- but Avast did pick one one infected file so far. Hopefully it is the culprit of my problems and my space will come back. If it's not, I will let you know. Thank you for the suggestion! I hope this is all I needed to do.

I think your comment might just be the solution! Thanks to i7Baby, I was able to detect a hidden Malware-Gen file. But after I removed it, I was still having the same space issues. But now I just took your advice thanks to the link you gave me and I already have 100GB back and the Disk Cleanup is still going! Had no idea this would be a problem. Thank you!