musical marv :
George W Bush should go to prison with Cheney what he pulled with getting us into Iraq for no reason with no weapons of mass destruction at all.Thousands of military getting killed for no dam reason and trillions spent for nothing.To bad someone with balls don't pursue this conviction against Bush and Cheney.
Sure, we'll pursue Bush and Cheney for acting on false British intelligence (Clinton pretty well gutted the CIA so we had little of our own) in cooperation with many other countries' militaries- right after we pursue:
- The Obama administration and any Congressman who voted for Obamacare, for corruption in their actions to get the bill passed. If we can't get all of them, at least get Ben Nelson and Mary Landreau as the "Cornhusker Kickback" and "Louisiana Purchase" were clear-as-glass cases of kickbacks occurring.
- Eric Holder for the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal
- Katherine Sebelius for using a government jet for campaign purposes. Let's also ding Eric Holder again for failing to do his job and electing not to pursue Sebelius's Hatch Act violation for political purposes.
- Charlie Rangel, Tom Daschle (that's West River's finest for you right there
😀), Tim Geithner, as well as a few other Obama cabinet members and Congressmen for income tax evasion.
- The rest of the GSA higher-ups, for the enormous of waste that went/goes on at the GSA.
- And pretty much all of Congress, for violation of their oath of office, which is to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States. They were supposed to do a number of things that they did not, one of the most important of which was to pass a budget.