The Nerdery: A Day At Maingear's Custom PC Factory (Video)

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By gamers, for gamers. Hmm, that gets me wondering are most of the people who use a PC gamers or enthusiasts?
Guys, get with the times. Your gallery and video player suck! feels like early 2000s.

You realize that this is the site that places a clickable medium sized thumbnail in an article, then when you click on the medium sized thumbnail it takes you from the article you are reading to another page with a smaller thumbnail of the same image. Then you click on that smaller thumbnail to open a whole new popup window to a huge image that almost takes up your whole screen.

This article is a prime example of the above........SMH
That's Kenilworth ( with one "n") , NJ. Nice article about a company building some real nice PCs. There is more to NJ than a bad joke on late night TV.
Guys, get with the times. Your gallery and video player suck! feels like early 2000s.
The video player doesn't even load on the UK version of the site.

I'm always impressed with the cable management in these custom jobs. I would never have the patience to make things look so tidy in one of my builds.
Otherwise, they do make some sick looking PCs! I like this company. Just a bunch of dudes making PCs. I always wondered how these prebuilt companies worked, I always pictured assembly lines. Of course, this is going to be different from a Dell factory, but still an interesting read! And I realize now that the CX could be used in the low-end systems. I can just only imagine how expensive that water cooled PC in the NZXT H440 would be :O
just on the note of the paint, you are able to get more or less the same variety on your own, it may not be as fast or clean but the end results will be the same.

also, as for clear coat, you can get the same finish through a spray can, or if you have an airbrush you can use automotive clear coat, it's a bit of a smaller spray radius, but its doable.

the only real difference is the amount of finishing work you have to do when you don't know what your doing/aren't as skilled.

i'm on their website now. their paint costs 400$, 500$ for custom...
led strips are 60-80$
the motherboard upgrade are an extra 150$ minimum over retail at least it seems.
the cpus are 100$ overpriced to 500$ overpriced at least
memory isn't bad till you hit the 128gb and that goes way over price.
oh wow the moment you hit gpus they go way of the rails. a 970 is around 300$ so lets use that as base.
a 390X is 40$ over
fury x is 150 over
980 is at least 50 over
980ti is a good 150-200 over
dual gpu is where it gets fun with a 980ti costing 1165 on top of what the 970 already costs,
quad fury x = 2,765.00
quad 980ti = $2,740.00
quad titan x = $4,770.00

all added to the already probably over priced 970.

6tb seagate is 270$ they charge 530$ on top of whatever they charge for the 1tb... just found it out 100$

a 16x bluray burner is over 100$, i know i bought the best one available for under 60$

every time i look at a custom pre build system anymore i'm disappointed, they weren't always this huge a ripoff.

ok ok lets look at it this way, bare bones, what do i get.
-case with a window (no paint)
-asus x99 a mb
-i7 5820
-custom loop water cooling
-magical thermal compound
-16gb ram
-no water cooling on the gpu as its cheaper
-a 1200 watt psu
-a 1tb seagate
-remove a prewire
-24x dvd drive
-on board audio
-win 10
-removed the free antivirus
-a shirt
-1 year warranty
-premium packaging

all for the price of....

just wow.
One bench to rule them all: It looks like most of the monitors are there for "show." They probably only use like 2-3 of the monitors.
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