The new 2000's GeForce gpu


May 15, 2017
So pros
20 percent faster
not an issue for fps
Can play any game
Has some new technology that only they can tell me how it works?

1.I can't think in competitive gaming where graphics will make u better
2. I remember when a little fps lag helped get hs in CS source
3. Ghost recon the first one... Less graphics is better
4. Moba's less is better. You can concentrate on fight rather than some this botty putting u back in plat 1.
5. A lot of current gpu's are locked by firmware
6. Nvidia wants your 1k$
7. No current game really will use it.
8. 4k vs 1080 um my eyes are like a Trex and only react to movement so resolution doesn't help me.
9. Tom's thinks your a Removed and people will throw down 1k. Instead of paying they're mortgage.

Watch the language
Ray tracing? It's been around since the 60s, just pre rendered, nvidia is hoping down the line to be able to do true real time ray tracing in games and other tasks. It's just a more realistic way of rendering light, put simply. It's a physics simulation of how light should cast instead of an artists rendering of it in a game. It's interesting but we are likely a long way away from it being properly utilized in a game.

This seems like a bit of a rant. But I will try to address your point.

1. Framerate might. But anyway I don't buy my GPU's for "competitive" gaming.
2. Okay.
3. Your opinion. Some people just like a beautiful game regardless of if it's slightly detrimental to gameplay.
4. Okay, a lot more games out there besides moba's...
Ray tracing? It's been around since the 60s, just pre rendered, nvidia is hoping down the line to be able to do true real time ray tracing in games and other tasks. It's just a more realistic way of rendering light, put simply. It's a physics simulation of how light should cast instead of an artists rendering of it in a game. It's interesting but we are likely a long way away from it being properly utilized in a game.

This seems like a bit of a rant. But I will try to address your point.

1. Framerate might. But anyway I don't buy my GPU's for "competitive" gaming.
2. Okay.
3. Your opinion. Some people just like a beautiful game regardless of if it's slightly detrimental to gameplay.
4. Okay, a lot more games out there besides moba's.
5. Locked in what way? The firmware cant easily be flashed and because of this there is no easy way to adjust core voltage
and other voltages besides some kind of hardware mod. This has been true since kepler for nvidia I believe.
6. Im sure they do.
7. Ray tracing? Correct, not in the way I think of ray tracing anyway. The latest tomb raider has a sort of checkerboard ray
tracing, it does as much ray tracing as it can then applies a filter to fill in the gaps with guesswork ray tracing. That's the best
way I can explain it anyway.
8. A higher resolution looks better. You seem to think only the competitive aspects of gaming are important, which is fine but it's
your personal opinion.
9. Umm...
No one has their hands on the actual cards yet so there's no way to say how much faster they are or in what games or under what conditions.

Game developers want money. They need to sell a lot of games to make money. This means their games must play well on systems that buyers have. No one is using RTX cards now, and the number of people using RTX cards for the next year or so will be small. So games won't be aimed at that market for a long time. So ray tracing will be a gimmick for a while. One day, if enough people buy RTX cards, developers will actually start developing games for that technology, instead of patching in gimmicky support for it into games made for non RTX cards.