Info The OSX86 Hackintosh FAQ v1.3

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The OSX86 Hackintosh FAQ v1.3 - Introduction
This is a sticky designed to address the most common issues regarding OS X 86. You are welcome to post your questions in this consolidated sticky so that OS X 86 users can help each others with Hackintoshing.

Hackintosh discussion is allowed on Tom's Hardware.

If you simply want to make your computer look like Mac OS X see the following links:

Linux (Macbuntu)

Windows (Snow leopard transformation pack)

You can find lots of hackintosh resources on this site:

Or around the web (it makes no sense to keep this sticky updated for every single release/update of OSX86).

As a general rule, Gigabyte motherboards and Intel CPUs work well with Hackintoshes.

Check a Hackintosh guide

If you were wondering if your computer is compatible.

Before purchasing your Hackintosh, take a look at some of the pitfalls of owning one as well:

Hackintosh vs. Mac Workstation
Intel chipsets and CPUs usually have better compatibility than others. Also the list at is NOT a complete list! Test your hardware if you think it might be compatible and do a youtube (or forums) search to see if any body else has tried with similar hardware.
Hackintosh is not very correct use of Mac OS X. It is filled with viruses and will kill your computer. It is immoral to use Hackintoshes because it deprives orphans of money. It is piracy and can be punishable by law. I suggest that Hackintosh be banned on Tom's Hardware. It does not represent the Mac OS X section to grow lemons without the DNA of the lemon tree, thus we need to cut down the lemons of fake from China. Hackintoshes will poison your computer with more viruses the more you use it.

..........I hope that's sarcasm..........
Can I run Hackintosh on my system?

Dell Dimension E521
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+
RAM: 4GB DDR2 667
Motherboard: Dell U14-MCP51 GeForce 6150LE BTX
Video Card: EVGA Nvidia GT 220
HDD: WD Caviar 320GB SATA 2
SSD: OCZ Octane 64GB Indilinx SATA 2
Power Supply: Dell NPS-305FB D
Case: Dell Dimension E521
DVD-RW Drive: No Name POS
Card Reader: Rosewill RCR-IC002
Hackintosh is not very correct use of Mac OS X. It is filled with viruses and will kill your computer. It is immoral to use Hackintoshes because it deprives orphans of money. It is piracy and can be punishable by law. I suggest that Hackintosh be banned on Tom's Hardware. It does not represent the Mac OS X section to grow lemons without the DNA of the lemon tree, thus we need to cut down the lemons of fake from China. Hackintoshes will poison your computer with more viruses the more you use it.

Not sarcasm, just stupidity :) If a 'Hackintosh' can get viruses running the same OS on the same(ish) gear that 'original' MAC OS X on, then you're saying Macs are subject to increased virii, which we all know is incorrect. Either you're a fanboy of Apple or just ignorant, either way, you should research before posting or at the least, please say IMO on your post so you don't mislead people or misrepresent those that experiment with OS X on non Apple hardware. Please and thank you.

I still think it was sarcasm..........
Inappropriate either way. People, including newbs are looking at respected sites like Tom's and others for experience and knowledge. If someone was thinking about taking on an OS X project and saw this, they may not know any better.
Doesn't really matter. I'm trying to convince TH to open a Hackintosh sub forum for issues relating to OS X on non native hardware. Haven't heard, but I'm hoping they will make me a Mod or Admin so I can look over it in case things like this happen. Now I just need to convince the powers to be...

I agree it's something this site could use, however there are more comprehensive sites out there (InsanlyMac comes to mind).
Personally, I would say there is no more need for such a subforum than there is for one on, for example, running Linux on ARM processors. I don't think that Tom's needs forums that are quite that specialized, especially when there are already very good sites dealing with such topics.

Having said that, I have no problem with people being given general advice on the topic, pointing them elsewhere for more detailed information.

Anything is possible. But it may be more trouble than it is worth. As far as I know there are no AMD hackintoshes. These sites are great starting points if you are sincerely interested:

I'm a member over at tonymacs and have had some great advice. I still think a hackintosh section would be good even just to let more people know that it exists. It could be more of a "look what I done" section, with pointers and a little help for newbies.

BTW I have built about 5 or six hacks (all with bought and paid for 10.x). Apple still make money for the small percentage of us hackintoshers.

You are not breaking the law per se, just breaking your terms and conditions (depending on where you stay).

Hi, I have installed hackintosh 10.8.5 Mountain Lion on my Asus K40IE.
Problems are shutdown and sleep not working, ethernet card not working, mouse and keyboard not working too.

Please help me, I'm a noob in hackintosh. If anybody have kext for my laptop, it will be gratefull. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

I'm sorry for my bad english, I'm from Indonesia :)
Please help me :)

1) Do you have the correct DSDT file for your motherboard? Are you aware that the sleep functions are a major issue for all Hackintoshes?

2) Do you know what the above question means? If not, you need stop now and do lots of reading here: - Hackintosh Basics

3) Is your NIC compatible with OS X; on board, external USB or PCI(e)?

4) How are you able to determine what is and what is not functioning without a keyboard or mouse, nor the ability to VNC or Remote into the machine via ethernet? You have no I/O

5) The question regarding your laptop hurt my brain.

So READ before you continue doing anything else:
If Hackintosh "kills" your computer, it should be banned from Tom's Hardware, ESPECIALLY IF IT HAS A RISK OF INFECTING A COMPUTER!!!!! In no such way should pirated software, operating systems, etc. should be allowed on Tom's Hardware. Some newbie could run across this thread, install Hackintosh, and then that person goes to jail, gets fined, etc.


Wow that's a good idea!! Except that no one has confirmed that it "kills" your computer, rendering the issue moot.

Since CompGee seems competent enough to dictate policy based on conjecture. Might the Mods also want to task CompGee to go through every single post here to somehow verify that every Windows user does in fact have a legitimate copy of Windows on their machines?

And also verifying that license was purchased for each piece of software discussed herein?
Hackintosh? Consider these quotes:

Hackintosh is not very correct use of Mac OS X. It is filled with viruses and will kill your computer. It is immoral to use Hackintoshes because it deprives orphans of money. It is piracy and can be punishable by law. I suggest that Hackintosh be banned on Tom's Hardware. It does not represent the Mac OS X section to grow lemons without the DNA of the lemon tree, thus we need to cut down the lemons of fake from China. Hackintoshes will poison your computer with more viruses the more you use it

CompGee said:
If Hackintosh "kills" your computer, it should be banned from Tom's Hardware, ESPECIALLY IF IT HAS A RISK OF INFECTING A COMPUTER!!!!! In no such way should pirated software, operating systems, etc. should be allowed on Tom's Hardware. Some newbie could run across this thread, install Hackintosh, and then that person goes to jail, gets fined, etc.


There's a disclaimer that basically says that if you use our advice - it is just that. We are not responsible for loss of data nor loss of property as per our terms and conditions.

Joe, the forum manager hath decreed that Hackintosh discussion is permissable.

If evidence can be found of a user diliberately posting viruses, they will be disciplined.

Until such an even, Hackintosh discussion is open.
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