The others can hear my sounds on skype

David Jamail

Dec 7, 2013
Hi there, i have a problem with my sound. The others can hear everything on skype. This is my settings in win : . My sound card is Asus Xonar DGX and when i turn on microphone listening (dunno how is it in engl) i can hear echo. Thanks for solutions

Actually, its conected to the front panel, and that panel is connected to my Asus Xonar. I have disabled that integrated in BIOS and uninstalled drivers

I tried them but i can hear scratching sounds when im playing games ( propably sounds from my graphic card ) so i have to use the front panel .. if i get it correctly


Did it. Its the same with other headset but when i plug in my Studio Microphone ( Samson C01 ) its okay. But its plugged in by USB port.
Go into the mic settings through the control panel and adjust the boot settings to it's at 0% instead of 25% (usually by default). Also download the Xonar control panel if it comes with one. My Creative Labs Titanium HD comes with the Creative control panel which has FAR more options for tweaking any Echo settings. Either that or buy high end noise cancelling headphones.