The Product Key on disc

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Feb 15, 2016
Hey guys I was just wondered does the product key for your windows would be on the disc you have bought and especially a re installation disc i got from ebay and the key i had was genuine but i cant find it and when i used software for a different comes up

The 'license key' is constructed like this:
And is NOT contained on the DVD.

The 'product key' is different.

The license key is the one that matters.
The key is not on the installation disc and it wouldn't be on any disc provided by Microsoft or a PC manufacturer. The key is on a sticker on your computer. If that has worn off, then you will not have a way to get "your" key, which is needed if you want to install from a retail Windows disc. The key that shows up when you scan your computer using software is usually the OEM key that was used to install Windows at the factory. This key won't work for a reinstall. If you have recovery discs that came with, or you made from, your computer, then you can recover your computer to it's factory state but you won't need any key as it will not ask for it.

Tell us more about exactly what you are trying to do and maybe we can help further.
I bought the disc off ebay years ago and it came with a disc, a reinstallation disc and the product key on it and yes it has worn off but i was watching videos and saw people getting their product key from within the disc itself

The 'license key' is constructed like this:
And is NOT contained on the DVD.

The 'product key' is different.

The license key is the one that matters.
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