The prosecution team in the Martin case should be disbarred

I have a background in the criminal justice system and have a lot of respect for the system. However, I have a real problem when a prosecutor's office deliberately withholds evidence, in an effort to nail down a crap case.

When the defense filed for discovery, the prosecution is legally required to hand over the evidence. They didn't do that, and for that the whole team should be disbarred and fired.

It shouldn't take an every day IT guy to stick his neck out, and get fired, for all the evidence to come out. The prosecution didn't have a case, but put Zimmerman on trial in a very public spotlight. Not only did they derail his life, but then they fired the IT director who did the right thing, by making it known that the prosecution was hiding evidence.
I do computer forensics and I was laughing when that IT director released that information.. then I was shocked when he was fired. He did his job and did it right. That's what pisses me off when it comes down to government work; they don't follow their own rules. The guy did his job in the name of justice and because it didn't result in a conviction and the key person is a dark shadow, he was terminated. What if the evidence supported him instead? Then he would be praised.
This case was the perfect case for the Obama administration to use to advance their agenda. They need to continue to show that there is a significant amount of white-on-black racism to continue to have a large government bureaucracy continuing the legalized discrimination against whites (aka "affirmative action") and pander to the black vote. This is esepcially true when affirmative action has been challenged in court several times recently. The administration also wants to put a damper on the "stand your ground" laws as they don't like the general population to be able to defend themselves or a "reason" to have weapons. That is why Obama made his idiotic comment on a pending court case. That is why his Department of Justice's "outreach" program bused in paid agitators to protest for Zimmerman's conviction. That is why they got their lapdogs in the mainstream media to judge Zimmerman guilty in the court of public opinion.

The acquittal of Zimmerman certainly makes the administration upset. I would expect Zimmerman to be harassed by the DOJ with this bogus "civil rights" case as a weak attempt to "prove" both of their points- that and to distract people from the several other scandals the White House is involved in. If anybody needs jailed over this, it's Eric Holder.

If musical marv doesn't mind, I have no problem with that. I don't want to just merge them, and hijack his thread though.
If you guys have been paying attention to the news, Attorney General Eric Holder just announced the DOJ investigation into the George Zimmerman case. What are they looking at? State stand-your-ground laws that "senselessly expand the concept of self-defense."

Did I call it or what?

Funny, because it wasn't even a stand your ground case. It was a self defense case.

Where is the justice in our system today? Answer there is none.

I've never heard of it really happening.. every time it's been the wife winning. I've seen drug addicted women with criminal backgrounds get their kids from a sober working father who with prior criminal record.

In general, I think the system is quite just. As any system, it's not perfect, nor will it ever be. I just have a real problem with a blatant end run around, and deliberately disregarding the judicial process.
With all his money and ratings he is getting from his show he sleeps dam well.