Quite a long story, but I will try to keep it short, as I do actually need some advice.
Yesterday I was experimenting with overclocking my i7-860,
I found that it would run quite happily at 4.2 GHz with the memory incredibly slow compared to what it's rated for, the memory couldn't go above about 1550 MHz, even though I had previously experimented with overclocking the memory whilst the CPU was at stock speeds, it passes linX at about 2200 Mhz.
So after some research I found that the memory controller is in the CPU.
I loaded optimized defaults, and set the X.M.P for the memory to Profile1 (I assume its some information the memory manufacturer puts into the sticks so that motherboards can optimize BIOS settings for it).
After that I happily had my CPU running at 3.8 GHz and my memory at 2100 MHz.
The only problem I have with this is that the profile QPI voltage is 1.4 V, and I have read that intel only rates it to a maximum safe voltage of 1.2 V.
So I need somebody with quite a good knowledge of these controllers to advise me on whether running it at this voltage will decrease the lifetime expectancy of my 860.
Yesterday I was experimenting with overclocking my i7-860,
I found that it would run quite happily at 4.2 GHz with the memory incredibly slow compared to what it's rated for, the memory couldn't go above about 1550 MHz, even though I had previously experimented with overclocking the memory whilst the CPU was at stock speeds, it passes linX at about 2200 Mhz.
So after some research I found that the memory controller is in the CPU.
I loaded optimized defaults, and set the X.M.P for the memory to Profile1 (I assume its some information the memory manufacturer puts into the sticks so that motherboards can optimize BIOS settings for it).
After that I happily had my CPU running at 3.8 GHz and my memory at 2100 MHz.
The only problem I have with this is that the profile QPI voltage is 1.4 V, and I have read that intel only rates it to a maximum safe voltage of 1.2 V.
So I need somebody with quite a good knowledge of these controllers to advise me on whether running it at this voltage will decrease the lifetime expectancy of my 860.