Today, riser, we have kids who think getting a job as a video game player is a reality, that American Idol will make them famous, that school is boring and will never help them be a person who everyone should worship. kids these days think math is nothing but useless numbers, that natural science has no merit in Jersey Shore, that Obama and Romney will give them what they want. They think college is all about partying, and that professors are just there because they are old people who just have no life.
Kids these days don't recall that we as a nation put 2 men on the moon in '69. They don't even no one name of a representative or senator in their state.
Education is failing is because kids are not motivated. They are lazy, self-centered, and have no obligation to innovate or place value for society. They have no clue that work is valued, that an education and actually doing a damned thing in life actually gets you somewhere. They think the 'rich' want them poor...guess what guys!
kids these days think someone else will take care of them, to do the job...whatever is needed. The older generation tell them that their older self's have ruined this country and that the newer younger generation such as said kids will fix it. I have no hope for such pipe dream.
There are resources to be fabricated with...but kids only want to consume them. There are inventions to be though of, built, and utilized; but kids these days only think they will happen when someone else does them. There is money circulating an entire economy...why get a job says the kid who thinks nothing but dreams of fantasy reality.
We live in a world, where parents have allowed such things to happen. we have bred a generation of complacent parasites.
Wounder why the Koch Bros. wont invest in anything else? Please read the above essay...