The Rig I Plan to Buy (Needs Suggestions or Improvements)


Aug 7, 2010

Tower: MidTower (Should I get a Full tower instead? I'm worry I might not have enough room)

MotherBoard: ASRock H77M LGA 1155

CPU: i7 3770 (Not going to OC)

PSU: 600W (Enough Watt?)

HDD: 500GB (Better then SDD?)

GPU: HD7870 (Is there a better card for little price differences? ~30$)

Kingston HyperX Grey Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600

Cooler: (Not sure whether to get HeatSink or Cooler)

Goal of this build:
†Run Skyrim on high with an average fps of 60+. (Run most modern games on high)

†Ready for some intense video editing.

Worries I have with this build:
I fear that the tower isn't big enough to hold everything in. The GPU might also be a bit weak to handle Skyrim on high so I probably need to get a better GPU. I'm also not sure if every part will fit on my motherboard.

Any thoughts or comments will be appreciated! BTW: This is my first build.

EDIT: Might change to i5 3570 because I heard the performance for its price is good.

If part of the usage is for editing, then yes, stay with the i7, you might get the xeon, it's the i7-3770 without the on die gpu :

It's fully supported with that motherboard.
Ditch the closed loop watercooler, you'll not overclock, the stock cooler is fine.
There's cheaper ram :
I'd get a better psu, thermaltake isn't good, this one is 40$ with promo code :

Get a better case, apevia cases are poor quality ones, here's a good one :

Also the...
If part of the usage is for editing, then yes, stay with the i7, you might get the xeon, it's the i7-3770 without the on die gpu :

It's fully supported with that motherboard.
Ditch the closed loop watercooler, you'll not overclock, the stock cooler is fine.
There's cheaper ram :
I'd get a better psu, thermaltake isn't good, this one is 40$ with promo code :

Get a better case, apevia cases are poor quality ones, here's a good one :

Also the 7870 XT is better, it's out of stock for now :
It has the same shader counts as the 7950.
Or a 7950 :
Thank You for your reply! Would you happen to know what GPU is the bare minimum to run Skyrim on max at 1080?

Will also like to know if I'm going to SLI graphic cards with requirements at 500W per a card, will 520W be enough?
Thank you for Info! My budget just change a bit so I was thinking of going for Radeon 7970. Was wondering if CrossfireX with 2 other cards that adds up about the same price would be better then one single card? Would Crossfiring also need me to change PSU?

A 7870 will run skyrim maxout, but a 7870 XT or 7950 is a better "investment" for gaming.
It's crossfire, and nope, you must get a better motherboard and psu for it.
You could just stay with 520 psu and h77 motherboard for a single card, in my opinion the 7950.

Thank you! My budget changed a bit and I was thinking of getting the HD7970 instead of the 7870. Was wondering can I max out on everything besides Crysis 2.

Thank you for taking the time to help me so much today! It's rare to find people like you!

Now back on topic, do you think the 7970 is worth getting? I have read somewhere you can just OC 7950 a bit to perform just as well. Do you think spending ~120$ more would be worth it?