The Sennheiser headphones

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Jan 24, 2015
I hate headsets, so I decided to buy decent headphones and an AntLion Modmic 4.0 instead.
I opted in for a Sennheiser HD 518 for 100€.

Now, alot of people say Sennheisers sound the same. Would I be better off with another choice?
there are certainly differences.

the hd518, 558 and 598 are semi comparable but also different.

the 518 is the most basssy, not as neutral sound.
the 598 is the most neutral and flat sounding with the widest soundstage.
the 558 is midway between.

i did read an interesting teardown which seems to suggest that the drivers used in the hd518 are the same as the hd558 (or maybe the hd598 too not sure). make what you want of however modding them to sound better is more costly in this case than just getting the next step up.

for the price, the hd518 is a pretty decent sounding can although of course if you spend more money you can get something nicer sounding.

now, how...
there are certainly differences.

the hd518, 558 and 598 are semi comparable but also different.

the 518 is the most basssy, not as neutral sound.
the 598 is the most neutral and flat sounding with the widest soundstage.
the 558 is midway between.

i did read an interesting teardown which seems to suggest that the drivers used in the hd518 are the same as the hd558 (or maybe the hd598 too not sure). make what you want of however modding them to sound better is more costly in this case than just getting the next step up.

for the price, the hd518 is a pretty decent sounding can although of course if you spend more money you can get something nicer sounding.

now, how do the hd518's compare to other sennheiser headphones? while i'm not familiar with the whole lineup i do know that they will be a whole lot more open sounding than the hd280 and other closed designs.

if you're looking for an alternative to the hd518... first i'd suggest having a larger budget and listing what you dont like and do like about the hd518 to help suggest something else. keep in mind most "better" cans than the hd518 are $110-200.

ssddx has given some good thoughts.
I'd also like to respond about the "sound the same". This is of course not true, a complete lie in fact. Sennheiser headphones tend to exhibit a similar sound signature where they excel in the upper and middle of the sonic spectrum (trebles and mids). They're well know for great production in these regions and so the sound signature can be more forward here. This, is why people say they sound the same - not that a pair of HD800's will sound as good as your 518's or even 201's but that they have more focus on these parts of the sound.

What I say above doesn't contradict however what ssddx has said about the comparisons between the 518/558/598. ssddx comparisons are made between the headphones themselves whereas mine are made between headphone makers in general.

To answer would you be better with another device is solely dependent on whether you think a different sound signature is what you need. I find that personally when playing, I like to hear the bass hit hard when I fire a gun and so my headphones are quite strong in base (they're planar magnetic) but I used to own the HD555's (predecessor to the 558) and they sucked in terms of bass. It was very light and washed over by the mids.
It's up to you whether you think the bass and neutrality that Sennheiser cans offer are what you're happy with or whether (as seems to be prevalent with gaming headsets) a more V shaped sound signature (more forward bass and trebles with recessed mids) is what you're after (some feel this is more immersive too).

I'd also agree with ssddx that if you are willing to go for a change up headphones you increase your budget before you go out and buy something else.
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