The system is built - 3DMarks are....


Mar 9, 2005
New System:
Athlon 64 3200+ Winchester
(1) WD Raptor 10,000rpm 74gb HDD
1GB Corsair Value RAM - Latency 2.5 (2.5v supported)(supports dual Channel)
MSI Neo4 Platinum SLI Ultra Motherboard
Radeon x800XL PCI-e Graphics Card
Antec Neo 480w PSU
Hyundia 19" LCD Monitor - 8ms, 300cd, 700:1
Klipsch Speaker System - On-board (Motherboard) Audio 7.1 Channel
Coolermaster Case - 2 fans in front, 1 fan in back, 1 fan up top.
Windows XP Pro

Okay, I got the system together Friday evening. After installing XP and Firefox, I ran the system under 3DMark03 & 05. Here are the scores @ stock no change to BIOs or other:

3DMark03 = 10243
CPU Marks = 879
3DMark05 = 4699
CPU Mark = 3858

Are those good numbers? What's considered avereage scores?

I liked the results so much that I decided to increase the memory voltage to 2.7v, and set Dynamic Overclocking (DOT) to 3%. Other than that, I changed a few things in ATI Catalyst - Graphics Card Control Program provided by ATI. After doing these changes I got the following score:

3DMark03 = 9086

I flipped out, I score went down! So, I changed the Dynamic Overclocking back to 'disabled' and returned all or most of the settings in ATI catalyst program back to defaults or minimal settings. This was my score after that:

3DMark03 = 8085

Houston, we have a problem! Any suggestions? I don't think heat is a problem, my cpu runs around 38 - 41 degrees C.

Other Questions or problem(s):
1. On reboot or boot up, the system doesn't recognize my optical mouse (Microsoft brand). So, at the windows (XP) login screen I have unplug the USB, and plug back in and it recognized the mouse, good-to-go then! Any thoughts on what this could be?

Overall, I'm extremely happy with my new system! What a beast!

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by SmokinBarrel on 03/20/05 00:06 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
I think that you may be a little slow on those 3Dmark scores. Ive got the same video card but on an Intel system and your lower than me. AMD's usually pull higher scores.

<b>Ned Flanders said that im a BAD ASS</b> :lol:
Okay, I lowered a few settings in ATI Catalyst Program for graphics card / monitor settings. And, I have all defaults in BIOs except memory voltage, I up'd that to 2.7v's. Here is my new score against previous best:

1. 3dmark03 = 10243, cpu score = 879
2. 3dmark05 = 4699, cpu score = 3858

Newest score:
1. 3dmark03 = 10282, cpu score = 875
2. 3dmark05 = 4718, cpu score = 4077

I'm going to guess, but I think the significant factors that can drive a score performance are settings within your graphics card, correct? I think I'll leave the graphic card settings as is, as I see a small improvement. I'm not a OC'er, so I don't think I'll tweak the cpu voltage, etc, obtain further performance/score boost. And, if I did boost cpu performance and memory performance (latency settings), I'm sure that alone would drive my scores up?
Newest scores:
1. 3dmark01 = 21594
2. 3dmark03 = 10282, cpu score = 875
3. 3dmark05 = 4718, cpu score = 4077

So, how are these scores good, fair? Would overclocking help me? If so, enough to warrant OCing?
It's worth some OC, rerun the benchies and post results.

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>
Have you tried using AquaMark3?

<font color=blue><b> cyprus </b></font color=blue>
"What's another word for thesaurus?"
Steven Wright
AquaMark3 runs on my computer, but when the test gets to the sound, it errors. I've tried it several times, and it won't clear this point in the test. So, I guess I'll do without the test.
Other Questions or problem(s):
1. On reboot or boot up, the system doesn't recognize my optical mouse (Microsoft brand). So, at the windows (XP) login screen I have unplug the USB, and plug back in and it recognized the mouse, good-to-go then! Any thoughts on what this could be?

Overall, I'm extremely happy with my new system! What a beast!

Well, I would say the problem is MSI

-Always put the blame on you first, then on the hardware, UNLESS YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A MSI BOARD !!!
First let me say that you have a very nice system and I hope that my comments havent maid you feel otherwise. The way most of our minds work here is in the area of improving on whatever you currently have, no matter how nice of a system it may be.

Now, 3DMark01 is weighted heavy in the CPU area "Guys if im wrong here please correct me". I still think that you are lagging a bit in that area. If you would state one more time your specific intentions for this system it would help. I dont want to start leading you in a direction like Overclocking if its not something that you care about.

Hey, heres a thought. Do you leave any programs open while the benchmarks are running? I always do a ctrl/alt/delete to open the task manager and see what programs are running. Close any running programs that are not necessary. Do one other thing, when you go into the task manager and close the programs then go to the PERFORMANCE tab and post how many MB's are in use under the PF heading.

Rugger! If you happen to read this, please post this guy a linky for the Benchmark HQ site. Im on a brand new RAID setup and dont have my links yet.


<b>Ned Flanders said that im a BAD ASS</b> :lol:
Here's <A HREF="" target="_new">Benchmark HQ</A>!

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>
Thanks, im trying to stay only on this website so that this clean install doesnt get exposed to more than it has to. Otherwise I would have just googled it. This is the setup im going to supercool so the cleaner the better.

BTW thanks for the the links e-mail also.

<b>Ned Flanders said that im a BAD ASS</b> :lol:
Not a problem! Are you using multiple rigs? Give us a rundown on the current OC setup. What's going on with the R22 cooling? Are you getting any support from the univ for your experiments? (that could be a blessing AND a curse)

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>
ITs going to be at least 2 if not 3 weeks before I get the heatsink made for the compressor. The problem with the university is that I dont want them to involved because the professors tend to take over the projects and strong arm you out. Ive been down that road and dont plan on that happening again. Im trying to talk one of the newer Phd's into letting me borrow one of their containers "i dont remeber what they call those things" because they arent cheap. From what I have heard they run in the $300.00 range but that may not be correct.

Last night I hit a higher RAM OC. Im going to put the pics up shortly. I think the numbers were DDR2 780 and I think that was 390Mhz. That was a stable OC not just a boot up and snap a shot. I tortured the system pretty hard. I'll post a link shortly.

<b>Ned Flanders said that im a BAD ASS</b> :lol:
3000+ w/6800 GT
-PCMark 04 3798
-3DMark 05 4570 CPU 4143
-3DMark 03 10861 CPU 868
-3DMark 01 no scores =/

3000+ @ 2.1 ghz (from 1809mhz)
-3DMark 05 4847 CPU 4807
-3DMark 03 11393 CPU 1042
-3DMark 01 21906

3500+ 6800GT
-3DMark 01 20248

Current machines running F@H:
AMD: [64 3500+][64 3000+][2500+][2000+][1.3x1][366]
Intel: [X 3.0][P4 3.0][P4 2.4x5][P4 1.4]

"...and i'm not gay" RX8 -Greatest Quote of ALL Time<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by apesoccer on 03/21/05 10:44 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
The problem with the university is that I dont want them to involved because the professors tend to take over the projects and strong arm you out. Ive been down that road and dont plan on that happening again.
That's what I thought might happen. Didn't know you had already "been there, done that." The extra help/support would be nice, but not worth the hassle...
Last night I hit a higher RAM OC...I think the numbers were DDR2 780 and I think that was 390Mhz. That was a stable OC not just a boot up and snap a shot. I tortured the system pretty hard.
NO MERCY! You're pushing that system to the bleeding edge! How are you cooling the memory?

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>
I'd say he's close to where he should be. I can't vouch for the slight difference in gpu scores...since i don't have any ati products, but his cpu scores seem to be on. I've noticed that the higher the mem speed the better the CPU score on 3dmark 03 my oc CPU score seems to be oos (out of sinc).

In short, i think he's right on...could do a quick search on futuremark to see if someone has his exact system spec's...will update this in a few with that...I wouldn't mind seeing a pcmark from him too. =D I have a 36gb 10k raptor, so i'd luv to compare scores. (<note to self> need to clean some stuff off to get a better score).

Current machines running F@H:
AMD: [64 3500+][64 3000+][2500+][2000+][1.3x1][366]
Intel: [X 3.0][P4 3.0][P4 2.4x5][P4 1.4]

"...and i'm not gay" RX8 -Greatest Quote of ALL Time
need to clean some stuff off to get a better score).
Funny you said that because just last week I was curious as to how much a clean HD would improve my scores. It does help expecially if your HD is really cluttered with junk. If you have a ton of programs that are running in the task manager it will really slow you down. Using a reformatted HD brought my 05 score up around 400 points. Thats significant.

<b>Ned Flanders said that im a BAD ASS</b> :lol:
I have never had a problem with memory getting to hot. Except for video cards. I have an infrared temp gauge and I check the temps especially when its being pushed hard. Ive never seen the temps get that high. The hottest temps I have seen with RAM were on my socket478 system. Sometimes I use Kingston value RAM when im trying to reach new CPU speeds. It doesnt have heatsinks, but it still doesnt get hot enough to bother me. My personl opinion is that Heatsinks are more of an eyecatcher and that now they are considered to be a sign of high performance RAM.

<b>Ned Flanders said that im a BAD ASS</b> :lol:
LOL - great marketing tactic!

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>
What i've done in the past is load the system on one hd and the programs on another...

However, i got this raptor...only 36gb...but i really want everything on there. Oh well...guess i need to get another one =D. With only a handful of games and benches i've filled 25-30 gb. =/

It's enough that i notice improvement in some games if i defrag the sad is that. I have a set of 40s in raid 1, so i can back stuff up to those...but bleh who wants to run programs off of a mirroring setup? You can get some improvement in read speeds in mirroring over single, but mostly you're just gonna run slower.

As to programs running...I only install games, antivirus and benches on my main computer. I have my music and cough, other stuff, on my secondary. I don't take any risks beyond oc'n and program/windows/hardware updates.

Current machines running F@H:
AMD: [64 3500+][64 3000+][2500+][2000+][1.3x1][366]
Intel: [X 3.0][P4 3.0][P4 2.4x5][P4 1.4]

"...and i'm not gay" RX8 -Greatest Quote of ALL Time
I was thinking about running the follwoing two programs:

1. Prime95
2. pcmark (where can I find this test?)

I'm very happy with my system, it seems to crank it out! Gameplay is amazing....thus far no stalls or crashes! Simply awesome! And to think, I can upgrade the processor in the future (939) when the prices drop significantly. Plus, with my SLI board, I always have the option to double the graphics card, and replacing my single ATI card. The LCD Monitor is great! I thought I wasn't going to like it, but I don't notice any shadowing or other unusual things! It simply looks fantastic!!