The Tom's Hardware Definitive List of PC Games: Worst PC Ports

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Feb 28, 2016
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The Tom's Hardware Definitive List of PC Games: Worst PC Ports

Are we living in a new "golden age" for PC Gaming? Of course, it is impossible to give a definitive answer. The distance of time and a heaping dose of nostalgia are both necessary prerequisites for any "golden age". And, while it may be easy to argue the merits of one generation over another, one thing is abundantly clear: PC Gaming in 2017 is more widespread and more accessible than ever before. The maturation of digital distribution, a new diversity of platforms, and the adoption of x86 CPU architecture by console manufactures have together, created the perfect environment for a PC Gaming renaissance. PC Gamers have access to more games than ever before, including overlooked titles from past generations and current games that would have been either too costly or too difficult to port. Games are so ubiquitous that you're more likely to hear complaints of having too many games, rather than too few. The number of "good" games is now so great that even the hardest of the most hardcore gamers struggle in their search to find the very best.

To help navigate this brave new world for gaming, Tom's Hardware is in the process of assembling the definitive list of PC games in a number of genres. We've already put a few lists together, but the number of titles is lacking. While the Tom's Hardware Editorial team is few in number, the Tom's Hardware Community is legion. With your input we hope to assemble a list of the best and worst PC games that can truly be called definitive. Over the next few weeks we'll be collecting Community feedback across multiple categories. Once we have a sufficient number of submissions, we'll have the Community vote on the most popular, with a showcase of the winning games on the Tom's Hardware homepage.

This thread will decide the worst PC game ports.

To help get you started here are the Editorial Team's list of worst PC game ports. Remember we're looking for suggestions that aren't on the list below.

May the worst game win!

Batman: Arkham Knight

Dark Souls 3

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Watch Dogs

The submission period is now over. Click here to vote on the Tom's Hardware Definitive List of PC Games

Yes the 2012 version. I haven't run the 2005 version so I wouldn't know on that one. 😀

The 2005 MW is the best NFS game of all time 😀


I can agree with this. Dark Souls was, and still is horrible. It almost requires the use of a mod to make it playable on PC. If you want to use kb + m with it, there is another mod you will need for that.

Dark Souls III port? Whats bad about it?
Watch Dogs, I'd say.

And you forgot Dishonored 2. Just Cause 3 also.

Btw arkham knight is fine now.

What about the max payne series? Bit old but probably one of the best games ever!

This thread is for worst PC ports, you may want to recommend that in one of our other threads.

Worst port has to be forza apex/horizon though they seemed to have fixed horizon now.
DeusEX was horrible as well,it starts up with a 30fps lock from time to time no matter the settings,sometimes it starts up with the nvidia capture thread running wild without reason killing the performance and the engine has stutter build in.

Fallout 4 also starts up with significantly hampered performance whenever it feels like it and stutters heavily as well.
I might be the minority here, but I truly enjoy WWE 2K17. Also from a few years back Tomb Raider.

Other than this my favorite PC games are the classic point and click games. Lucas Arts, Sierra etc...
Mortal Kombat X since it was buggy as hell with tons of crash issues upon release. Support was prematurely ended on PC as well due to everyone knowing it was a buggy mess. The netcode still doesn't work right to this day, background maps sometimes show up as pixelated messes, videos still crash the game, and even occasional hard locks happen. I have it in my steam library, but it's one of the few fighters not installed because of the above issues.

Due to the lack of sales because of how poorly ported it was, it is partially responsible for the heavily delayed release (if even released) of Injustice 2. 🙁
Easily the worst of 2017 is Mafia 3. You need a GTX 1080 to get a decent 60fps on 1080p and the game still looks like junk. Graphics is from 2012.

MAFIA 3 Id say could have been better, the graphics were not bad I think, just the plot is what hooked me, but the repetitiveness of gameplay is what turned me off, I stopped half way through.

Id say if anything its not a console to PC port they made crossplatform.

Id say any game made for console first later ported to PC sucks, only ones I liked were Bungie games like Halo, and loved Oni, dont know if anyone remember its, was a PS2 game ported to PC like 15 years ago, combined 3rd person shooting with martial arts melee combat and it wasnt lame clickclick Diablo crap, it was quite in depth melee fighting with an arsenal of moves you can combine and perform. EXCELENT GAME
I'm confused why Dark Souls III is on here. game runs at a solid 60+ and never crashes. I guess requiring a controller is bad but its far frm making it a "bad port" I've played through it multiple times on both my PC and PS4. I greatly prefer the PC experience
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