The Top 4 Android Phones in Customer Satisfaction Ratings

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Dec 17, 2008
I'm surprised the HTC Rezound ranked so well. I've never talked to anyone that's owned one, that actually liked it.

Not really surprised at all that Samsung was ranked at the bottom of the phone makers list for customer satisfaction. They produce some of the worst phones on the market...Hell, does Samsung even produce a phone model that's actually viable as a phone?


Oct 5, 2011
My brother has an Atrix HD and has constant issues with it, like locking up, randomly restarting itself, common apps not working, etc. Also, apparently it doesn't ring in his ear when he dials, and apparently the first five seconds or so of sound from the call receiver aren't transmitted, because every time he calls me, I have to say "hello??" repeatedly before he finally says "oh, hi." He says it does this for everyone.

It surprises me that this phone made top of the list. Who were the people surveyed, were they an accurate slice of users, and were the questions unbiased and not leading questions?
[citation][nom]sykozis[/nom]I'm surprised the HTC Rezound ranked so well. I've never talked to anyone that's owned one, that actually liked it.Not really surprised at all that Samsung was ranked at the bottom of the phone makers list for customer satisfaction. They produce some of the worst phones on the market...Hell, does Samsung even produce a phone model that's actually viable as a phone?[/citation]

i have a samsung nexus S that i have had for 3 years and had no issues with it. it has been the best phone i have owned since the original moto razr flip i had years ago
[citation][nom]captaincharisma[/nom]i have a samsung nexus S that i have had for 3 years and had no issues with it. it has been the best phone i have owned since the original moto razr flip i had years ago[/citation]
Nexus S is my back-up phone. SGS2 is my active one. Excellent phones.
[citation][nom]LukeCWM[/nom]My brother has an Atrix HD and has constant issues with it, like locking up, randomly restarting itself, common apps not working, etc. Also, apparently it doesn't ring in his ear when he dials, and apparently the first five seconds or so of sound from the call receiver aren't transmitted, because every time he calls me, I have to say "hello??" repeatedly before he finally says "oh, hi." He says it does this for everyone.It surprises me that this phone made top of the list. Who were the people surveyed, were they an accurate slice of users, and were the questions unbiased and not leading questions?[/citation]
Sounds like a bad unit. It happens. Back in the day, I had to replace a couple of iPods for issues. Eventually, I just gave up on Apple, but that's a different story.
Point is, tech can (and will) fail. I had a graphics card that gave up the ghost a few days after the warranty expired. Literally.


Aug 16, 2006
[citation][nom]sykozis[/nom]Hell, does Samsung even produce a phone model that's actually viable as a phone?[/citation]

Yeah, with the GS3 being one of the hottest selling smart phones atm, I can see why you'd think Samsung is struggling with producing a "viable" phone... /sarcasm

I'm sure the guy in charge of Samsung's mobile division is laughing at your comment all the way to the bank. ;)


Dec 15, 2007
Never heard of the top 3.

This must have been a very US centric survey.
We don't have the first three top phones here in Sweden.
Very suprised not to see Samsung Galaxy S3 at the top, but again it would probably be totally different if it would have been done in Europe to a greater extent!
I it is almost to a point where you either own an iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy phone here.
Except for maybe Sony, the other manufacturers are almost non existant.


Sep 11, 2008
[citation][nom]sykozis[/nom]I'm surprised the HTC Rezound ranked so well. I've never talked to anyone that's owned one, that actually liked it.Not really surprised at all that Samsung was ranked at the bottom of the phone makers list for customer satisfaction. They produce some of the worst phones on the market...Hell, does Samsung even produce a phone model that's actually viable as a phone?[/citation]

To answer the Samsung Question directly - NO. I feel they are one of the worst companies out there flooding the market with too many models that they abandon soon after...


May 30, 2012
The Rezound is the best phone I've ever owned. It still hangs with the best phones available even after being in service for over a year. It was definitely ahead of its time when it was released. I'm currently running Jellybean 4.2.1 on it with a mild 1.67Ghz overclock.


Oct 2, 2011
I have the rezound as well and I really like it but was amazed to see it on this list. Hey Johnnyhempseed is the root to jelly bean worth it? I thought the build was still with issues and I was waiting for that to get smoothed out. I haven't rooted yet and this is the first phone I never really felt a need too. What build are you using? Does your 4G and video camera still work with the root?


Aren't the Atrix HD & the Razr M the same phone, only on different carriers (AT&T & Verizon)?
[citation][nom]captaincharisma[/nom]i have a samsung nexus S that i have had for 3 years and had no issues with it. it has been the best phone i have owned since the original moto razr flip i had years ago[/citation]

My Samsung S3 is one of the best phones I've ever had, if not the best. My Samsung Transform is one of the worst I've ever had, if not the worst. They have a very large range of phone quality from some of the best, to some of the cheapest ;)

Considering that I got my Transform almost for free about two years ago, it still wasn't a bad deal overall. I'll give it that much credit.


May 29, 2008
I have the Razr M and this thing is flawless so far since October. The battery life is out of this world - good and it is still very fast and the screen is decent in size. It never gets too hot and I've not had many issues at all with it. Anyone else have it?


Aug 5, 2009
anyone else notice the graph is barely .3 difference, but the way its presented makes it look like the difference if 2X

hate it when people abuse numbers like that.
[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]anyone else notice the graph is barely .3 difference, but the way its presented makes it look like the difference if 2Xhate it when people abuse numbers like that.[/citation]

I didn't think that it was presented in a way that over-exemplified the difference of 0.34 out of 10 between the top Android in this article and the iPhone 5. It seemed rather modest about it to me.


Jan 24, 2013
[citation][nom]blazorthon[/nom]I didn't think that it was presented in a way that over-exemplified the difference of 0.34 out of 10 between the top Android in this article and the iPhone 5. It seemed rather modest about it to me.[/citation]

What on earth. The 8.23 bar is less than half of the 8.57 bar. The consumer of this data (us, the readers) are not told is this is significant or not. What if these were temperatures? Or SAT scores. Context matters, and without it, I have to strongly agree with alidan.


Jan 17, 2010
[citation][nom]anon8172[/nom]What on earth. The 8.23 bar is less than half of the 8.57 bar. The consumer of this data (us, the readers) are not told is this is significant or not. What if these were temperatures? Or SAT scores. Context matters, and without it, I have to strongly agree with alidan.[/citation]
Because it's ranging from the highest to the lowest of that list. If it was ranging from a 10 to a 1 then the difference would be much much smaller.


Feb 9, 2009
Nexus branded phones are the best Android phones. I know they don't have LTE, but who cares about LTE. I get 10 mbs with T-Mobile on my Nexus 4. Plenty fast for me. I can Google Hangout with no problems. Just got the 4.2.2 update today. Nexus 4 FTW!


love my rezound. It has been so good that I get nitpicky about issues that it has had eventho they really do not impede with the use of the phone. never satisfied. My next phone will be a galaxy note type phone or a google phone.
As for the graph I think the mainpoint is that even in the fractured market that is android where manufacturers have to support a whole lineup of phones android still puts out some of the best products if not the best. Imagine if samsung or HTC only made one phone a year and put all of their efforts into making that phone the best. Android would way surpass everything.
To each their own.
droid forever (until something better comes out)
[citation][nom]anon8172[/nom]What on earth. The 8.23 bar is less than half of the 8.57 bar. The consumer of this data (us, the readers) are not told is this is significant or not. What if these were temperatures? Or SAT scores. Context matters, and without it, I have to strongly agree with alidan.[/citation]

Some people may be fooled by the size of the bars, but I can read numbers and I have at least a basic understanding of many graphs, so they're no big deal. It wouldn't matter if they were temp or SAT graphs because the numbers are there. If you want a full graph which would be much larger, then go ahead.

Sure, maybe some people don't understand that 8.23 is not a huge step down from 8.57 (both out of 10) just because the graphs are truncated, but this is Tom's. People at Tom's can usually read and understand numbers just fine.

Also, considering that this is customer satisfaction, I'd think that anything below say 7 or 7.5 out of 10 is irrelevant anyway because that's crap satisfaction. A similar example would be truncating most of the graph for an audio volume test. Numbers far below the lowest numbers achieved and numbers far above the highest number achieved would not be necessary to fit in the graph because they don't matter.

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