The TX Chipset



Hello there,

1. I have a rather rare question, as for me I don't get the sh*t out of it.
I have an old P-200 system which worked just fine (I swapped memory now and then) and there was 48 MB EDO in it. I was able to sell 32 EDO so I sold it and used an old part from that computer, 2x4 EDO to fill the spare with me. So I've got 24 MB right now. No problem for my sister, who just uses Word and it would perfectly do the trick.
But then the computer becomes too wicky. One time he does not want to boot, another time he hangs after the recognition of hard and cdrom drives, other times he boots into Win98SE, and the he hangs. He chooses himself when to hang up. Now, once whe were booted and my sis bumped the table. Result? Crash.
What the f*ck is wrong? I donno.

Soltek P54C system with 82430TX-AT Chipset.
Intel P-200MMX
24MB EDORam - 2*8 + 2*4
Diamond Stealth II 220 Pro (i think)
Voodoo 1 4MB (some obscure german thing)
Realtek 10 MB Ethernet Adapter
Soundblaster 64 AWE

I removed the voodoo, the network, but i don't have another pci-graphics adapter so... . What the hell is wrong?

2. What RAM can I use in such a config? Can I use SDRam PC-100 as well?




I think at the moment it is a 12.4 GB Quantum Fireball. I'm not sure, because I swap all the time. And I'm pretty sure that the problem is not caused by that... .


Dec 31, 2007
At 24 Meg, you are getting close to the lower RAM limit for any kind of performance on Win98 SE and it will be using the virtual memory on the hard disk a lot. What is the virtual memory size setting and how much disk space do you have free on it.

I would boot up into safe mode and let all the device drivers reload so that everybody knows that you have reduced the amount of RAM on the board and then reboot normally.