There is a lot of free ram but still it is lagging

Cursed Chico

Feb 2, 2014
System is

xp pro sp 3 32 bit
2.8 ghz p4 478 pin
gigabyte 8ig1000p
128 mb gpu nvidia
3.5 gb ddr ram

I bought 2 gb ram because there was lack of ram. Now there is no lag of ram but still it lags when i open multiple programs, for example chrome firefox and webcam applications.

For this 3 applications, cpu usage is around %70 80. %50 is for webcam.

And it lags, responds lately.

Is it about low mb gpu or cpu threading technology? If i make overclock or buy a 3.0 or 3.2 ghz , something changes?

The cpu temperature is low, around 30 40 c.

Maybe rams have low clock cycles. 1 gb kingston, 512 mb aidata, others are hilevel. cl5 i think most ofthem.

The problem can be the CPU. If you have an old model CPU, it can't handle that RAM's easily but here this is not the reason. Check the frequency of your RAM and if you are using different RAM's, you shouldn't do that AT ALL. I have Core i5 2310 and 2GB Nvidia GTX 650 Ti Boost and I was having a lag so much that my system won't start just because I was using different frequency RAM's of 4 GB Each where I had 8 GB RAM and slow computer.

Download "Piriform Specy" from the link below and check your RAM speeds -

The RAM Frequency is always "DRAM Frequency x2 (Multiplied by 2)" in Speccy. So, if you have 2 different manufactured RAM's, remove the slow one and get another 2 GB RAM which is same.

Also tell me if your system is a Laptop or a Desktop.
I agree with the previous 2 posts. Most programs today want dual core processors at the minimum. Plus, we don't know if your CPU is HT or not; both HT and non-HT variants of the 2.8 were made.

However, large L2 cache can sometimes make up the slack in older processors. My laptop's single core Pentium M 750 is still plenty fast because it has a 2MB L2 cache. Most Pentium 4 only have a 512K cache, the very early Willamette only had 256K.

Hard drives also make a difference, especially a 10K RPM Raptor.
I don't know of any true dual core S478 chips. If there were any I've forgot about them and they are really rare.

You mention drive and thats another reason for the system upgrade. This system was common back over a decade ago. You can't run todays programs well on something that old. Even a $200-$250 cheap laptop from BB or Walmart will be faster then this system.