There's an Issue with my PC's Memory? [Detailed Explanation/Specs]


Aug 2, 2015
I have looked up this issue online, and I have read many threads about people having issues with their Memory being unexpectedly high for no reason without any programs running. Well.. I happen to have the same issue.. And I haven't found a solution to this.

It started a few months ago, maybe a few 2-4 months after I got a new PC built. At first my PC was running great! Smoothly, Fast.. It Ran everything perfectly and the used up Memory would always keep at a low 20% and maybe 40% On occasion. 2-4 months pass, and for some reason.. My PC started going up to 80-90% In Memory usage? With nothing running. My instinct was to look it up online, but no dice. I couldn't find anything that could fix it. So I later found that Restarting my PC would fix the problem. Temporarily. I restart my PC from 80-90% Ram.. And then after the restart,.. My Memory was at a low 20%. A few hours pass and then my Memory was back at 80-90%. This happens all the time..

All up to now.. That I actually NEED to find a solution, because it's getting really annoying. I figured that it was probably a Virus.. So I tried running AntiVirus' and it caught nothing that fixed the Memory usage. I tried multiple AntiVirus' at that.

One Common thing that I found with the people that had this problem however.. Was that all of us had 'Norton AntiVirus' installed. I'm not sure if that's a coincidence or not. But it was strange when I noticed this. It could be that it has nothing to do with the problem.

TL: DR: Memory slow increases until it reaches 80-90%. PC becomes unbareingly slow. I restart my PC. Memory goes back to normal (In the Low 20%). Few hours pass.. Memory back to 80-90%. PC Restart is a Temporary Solution, but it this has been going on for months.

Side Note:
-I made sure there aren't any background programs running. I used Task Manager and checked. Adding all the MB's being used under Memory. It just doesn't even come close to 8,000mb's. As a matter of fact, it's not even over 1,000mb's,
-I deleted Norton, and replaced it with Avast. Hoping that Norton was causing the issue. But apparently not.
-I have Windows 10 now, but the operating system isn't the issue. The Problem was still going on when I had Windows 7.
-I checked to see if my issue was actually relevant. So I turned my PC on fresh one morning. Let it run without opening any programs for a few hours. And the Ram magically rose up to 70-80% With LITERALLY nothing running.
-Here's a Screenshot of my Task Manager. Just to show you that the numbers just don't add up.
-Here's a Screenshot of my Task Manager after a recent restart.

Processor: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
Video Card: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
Memory: 8.1GB
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 (build 10240), 64-bit

Here's a More Advanced few at my Specs(I put it in a Screenshot, for it was a lot of info):
(If Font is too small Use Ctrl+Mouse Wheel to increase Page Size)
I'm not sure what most of this stuff means, but maybe one of you guys does.. And will understand it better than I can.

This issue is really bothering me and i'm really motivated to fix this. I am extremely willing to co-operate with whoever is interested in helping me out here! Many thanks to the people who try.

I'm not sure if BIOS is updated to the latest version.. When I check, it does say that the last update was in 4/09/2014. It's been over a year, so maybe there has been a new version available.. But when it comes to updating BIOS. I was told not update it. I didn't ask why, I just didn't do it.

Here's the Info on my memory.
The Actual name... of my RAM Sticks? G Skill RipJawZ

So I was running on 1600 for the entire day yesterday, and 3 major issues happened. My Computer got the BSoD twice. The two error codes were 'KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE' and 'MEMORY_MANAGEMENT'.
This is really strange, because on this computer.. I have NEVER gotten the BSoD. In the year i've been using this PC.. These two times were the first two times. And this worried me.

Before this happened, most of the programs I use on my pc were randomly closing. I opened up a game that I commonly run and then it randomly crashed without any error screen. This also happened with Google Chrome.

After this happened, I went back to BIOS and I set my setting to 'Optimal Defaults' and I have been running normally ever since. However, I still have the Memory issue going on. After a few hours.. I have 80% of my Memory used up. Back to step one.

Any advice?

Alright I set it as you said. I'll wait a few more hours to see if anything happens, and if anything bad.. I'll just come back here.

What do you think is causing this 80-90% Memory Usage madness? And what exactly are we doing to fix it?.. Or what is it we did?

Doesn't look like it worked. My Memory usage is still very high. However, I think I discovered something.
I did some side research and it looks like I have a memory leak in my system. Although.. I'm not sure.
Here's a screenshot of my Task Manager as of right now.
-I'm using up a lot of Ram. While I only have LolClient and Google Chrome out. And Malwarebytes and Avast running idle.

My System is using 30% of my Memory.. And I can see that is a problem... Isn't it?