NO to be honest, I have not used Conductonaut however, a friend did recently to try. Later (about a month) He went to update his CPU and when he tried to pull the HSF off the CPU came with it. Fortunately no damage and says he could have been more careful. I also believe it to be somewhat conductive and care needs to be taken when applying as overspill into the MB socket can damage.
I reacon Conductonaut is better for delidding as its more of a glue and can be difficult to remove the HSF if required and once it's hardened. Thermal grizzly kryonaut is best or AS5 and MX4 are good too.
have you used it, as it's described by TG as a grease, and in the vids i reviewed on youtube, especially the "after 90 days" vids, where they pulled the cooler off to inspect the IHS and the cooler's heatsink, none commented about any difficulty in dis-assembling ??
NO to be honest, I have not used Conductonaut however, a friend did recently to try. Later (about a month) He went to update his CPU and when he tried to pull the HSF off the CPU came with it. Fortunately no damage and says he could have been more careful. I also believe it to be somewhat conductive and care needs to be taken when applying as overspill into the MB socket can damage.