Thermal paste for OC?


Nov 7, 2018
So, I am building this system for a coworker, and I am not going to be overclocking her system, however, I did order this thermal paste:

Now, the CPU I went with for her build(web surfing, maybe some photoshop/gaming) is this:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

1. Firstly, does the stock cooler come with thermal paste already applied?

2. If so, is the stock thermal paste fine? Or should I go ahead and use the thermal paste I ordered?
If the stock thermal paste is fine, I plan on just keeping the thermal paste ordered for future builds.

3. Also, what do you all think of that thermal paste?

It's fine.

Your thermal paste link is invalid. Can not comment on that.
1. Yes

2. Basically yes, often too much pre-applied past provided

3. Probably the make of the past is less important, but the quantity applied. Also there is not a huge difference between the metal pastes and standard. Only some kelvin usually not worth the far higher price.
I am a fan of Arctic MX thermal pasts. They are easy to apply and remove and bring the needed results.

I clicked it and it took me straight there.

Anyway, it's the Collaboratory Liquid Pro.

Man, you are everywhere.

I will probably just see if one of the computer stores around town have use for it.

Well if you can't return it I'd go around and repaste friends/family members CPU's. I did that when I mistakenly ordered the 20G MX4 instead of the 5G tube. Went and replaced the thermal paste on 6 CPU's, 3 GPU's, two Xbox 360's and a original Xbox (busy day) and I still have enough for at least a few more applications.

Not enough friends/family around me with PCs(or gaming systems for that matter) that I could do it to.

I'll look into it.

I was going to keep it and use it on future builds, but the prospect of it "marrying" components worries me, as I would like to potentially replace components as time goes on.
And what nobody mentioned so far: Using liquid metal also bares the risk of not applying it correctly and worst case damaging your CPU! Should only be used by experienced people. With the MX4 that was now repeated all will be good if you apply only the quantity of around a small pea size.