Question Thermal paste on AMD Socket


Nov 2, 2018
While I was troubleshooting and changing CPUs a small amount of thermal paste dropped from my hand in to the CPU socket. I tried to clean it as good as possible, but a little bit still remains. Does this pose any danger to my motherboard or CPU? They both work fine with this, but I want to make sure I won't have any issues in the future.

The thermal paste I was using is cooler master thermal compound and the wraith prism pre applied thermal paste.

If you can notice it seems to be stuck between the two pins.

Take isoprpyl alcohol and a toothbrush and see if you can dislodge it from that pin hole. A pin would also help. Thermal paste is non conductive so it won't be much of a threat. In short it shouldn't be there but we shouldn't act like nothing can happen from it being there.

a toothbrush might be a little too big to fit in, but i will try. How difficult/safe do you think is it to remove the whole socket if everything else fails?