Thermal paste on motherboard socket and CPU.


Jan 16, 2018
I got thermal pase all over my new Ryzen 5 and ASRock Fatal1ti AB350 Gaming k4. Its gotten in the am4 socket and coverd the cpu. I pulled this off while putting on my heatsinc. (Coolermaster hyper 212 evo) Plz help anyone.

What type of thermal paste did you use?

Cleaning the CPU should be easy: clean it in a small tray filled with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and a soft bristle tooth brush. Let dry thoroughly on paper towels before trying to use it. Just be careful not to bend pins.

The mobo will be only a little more difficult if the thermal paste is the type that's totally non-conductive. You should be able to get by with cleaning as much as you can with a cloth and cotton swabs moistened with IPA and then reassembling after...

What type of thermal paste did you use?

Cleaning the CPU should be easy: clean it in a small tray filled with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and a soft bristle tooth brush. Let dry thoroughly on paper towels before trying to use it. Just be careful not to bend pins.

The mobo will be only a little more difficult if the thermal paste is the type that's totally non-conductive. You should be able to get by with cleaning as much as you can with a cloth and cotton swabs moistened with IPA and then reassembling after drying off.

The electrically conductive type will be much more difficult. If it were mine I'd thoroughly spray it with a spray type electronics cleaner and then rinse it off in distilled water. If you've access to enough IPA maybe even immerse the entire board in it and let it sit, cleaning the socket with a soft bristle brush gently working it down into the micro-sockets. Probably do this three or four times, certainly until there are no traces of it left visible in the micro-sockets. Even then it's perfectly possible the board is a tosser since it may never get completely cleaned out of the micro-sockets.

Hopefully it's not the conductive type.