Thermal paste on ryzen 5 1600 pins


Jul 2, 2017
I touched the external pins and had some thermal compound in my fingers, just 2 of the pins. So, can I properly use my pc or 100% have to clean it, I don't want to take the risk of bending the pins. Also, how resistant are the amd CPU pins to some touches and contact with my hand.
Wet a soft toothbrush with some thermal paste cleaner and gently brush away the paste. Let it dry. Ideally you'd want to use some of this stuff in the white-capped bottle to clean off the cleaner afterwards. But don't insert the CPU into the socket as-is. You'll run the risk of...
1) short circuiting the system if the paste was conductive.
2) insulating the contacts/pins if the paste was not conductive.
Wet a soft toothbrush with some thermal paste cleaner and gently brush away the paste. Let it dry. Ideally you'd want to use some of this stuff in the white-capped bottle to clean off the cleaner afterwards. But don't insert the CPU into the socket as-is. You'll run the risk of...
1) short circuiting the system if the paste was conductive.
2) insulating the contacts/pins if the paste was not conductive.


Thanx a million! Worked. ☺