Thermal Paste Question


May 8, 2014
I installed my x61 kraken with the preapplied thermal paste. I shorted out my MOBO so I need to take the cpu out and into the other mobo. Will I have to reapply thermal paste or is it fine to leave as is? Since I'm using the same cpu I wonder if I have to or not. Thanks.
It's never a good idea to re use thermal paste after you take off the cooling block.
Once you take it off and put it back on it develops little air bubbles that can interfere with the contact of the paste on the thermal surfaces.

Good replacement compound

- Arctic MX4

Have you seen the bubbles?

When you pull the heat sink off the cpu thermal interface, it creates a crater like pattern which in turn when reapplied will catch the air in between the two surfaces.

So yes, I have.