Thermal Paste Spillage on i5-6600k


Mar 31, 2016

I recently installed a new i5-6600k with an 212 EVO fan for the very first time. I noticed I spilled a little thermal paste on the side off the golden top (not on the green circuit board, but the crevasse right above it). It kind of looks like this except not on the circuit board and not that much, just a little dab like the spillage on the bottom right of picture.

Currently, I've been running Prime95 torture test on it for 4+ hours and it's been a constant avg 47C.

I'm being told I should clean it, but it won't damage the cpu or mobo. If that's true, then I'd rather leave it alone (as I had a lot of trouble putting it in the first place).
If I leave it on, will it seriously damage the cpu/mobo?

PS I do plan to overclock it from 3.5ghz to at least 4ghz and not touch VCore. I also have 2 year warranty on it from Microcenter.

Thank you in advance, Tom's Hardware community

It's making your mobo dirty, and it might affect your mobo's longevity (do some research, I'm just guessing here). Is it really that painstaking to wipe it off from where you are with junk mail?

I have very shaky hands, and I had a friend help me do it. He's not available right now. I can do it, but I was pretty content with how it all went originally.