X xBigCalx1987 Honorable Nov 5, 2013 15 0 10,520 Dec 17, 2013 #1 I'm looking for a mid-tower atx case that will fit this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835106178
I'm looking for a mid-tower atx case that will fit this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835106178
Solution C C Calculatron Dec 19, 2013 As long as it has a CPU Cooler Clearance of 160mm, you're in the green. That covers a lot of cases. Corsair 200R would fit that. A 300R definitely would, and would be a good step up. Any Enermax case would be a good choice.
As long as it has a CPU Cooler Clearance of 160mm, you're in the green. That covers a lot of cases. Corsair 200R would fit that. A 300R definitely would, and would be a good step up. Any Enermax case would be a good choice.
C Calculatron Honorable Apr 3, 2013 2,240 0 12,460 Dec 19, 2013 Solution #2 As long as it has a CPU Cooler Clearance of 160mm, you're in the green. That covers a lot of cases. Corsair 200R would fit that. A 300R definitely would, and would be a good step up. Any Enermax case would be a good choice. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
As long as it has a CPU Cooler Clearance of 160mm, you're in the green. That covers a lot of cases. Corsair 200R would fit that. A 300R definitely would, and would be a good step up. Any Enermax case would be a good choice.