Meanwhile in Europe, e.g. the Huzaro Hero 8.2 RGB LED Electric Desk has a bit more RGB:
For me, RGB is not that interesting though. If I would go for a gaming desk specifically, it should have some features like:
- A holder for a midi-tower, to have it a bit above the ground. Ideally a moveable holder, as in being able to pull the holder out, and turn it sideways to some 45 degrees. And voila, easy access to the inside.
- A holder for a power tower, with the holder moving vertically. Like, bringing a laptop or needing to charge a phone? Push a button, power tower moves up (incl. USB sockets), and all set.
- Some cable bridging. Like, instead of connecting headphones to the PC, why not be able to connect the PC to the desk, and just plug the headphones in the desk.
And some additional stuff.