ThermalTake Riing 12 or Cougar CFD???

Iver Hicarte

May 7, 2016
Between these two case fans which is better and "quieter"???, which is also better for overclocking??, Which is better for performance??, so on and so fourth...(pls. do note that these fans will be in 120mm size)beacuse that size of a case fan is the one im gonna be looking for!
ThermalTake Riing 12:
Cougar CFD:

You'll get much better performance out of the Cougar.

When you are looking at fans, look at the (CFM) Cubic Feet per Minute. The higher the CFM the more air the fan will push. Also the dB is something to look at too. A normal conversation is about 60 dB (decibels), a lawn...

You'll get much better performance out of the Cougar.

When you are looking at fans, look at the (CFM) Cubic Feet per Minute. The higher the CFM the more air the fan will push. Also the dB is something to look at too. A normal conversation is about 60 dB (decibels), a lawn mower is about 90 dB and a rock concert is about 120dB. I have two exhaust fans on the top of my case that I activate when I am doing some serious overclocking, they pull 512 CFM each and also they are a total combined 70dB.
This also kind of depends on what the fans are used for. Assuming they are for chassis fans, CFM would be a good value to look for. If you're using them for radiator or heatsinks, you want CFM, but more importantly, you want to look at static pressure of the fan, also. This is the power of the fan and the ability to move air through more resistant materials, like radiator fins, or heatsinks.