It's unfathomable the ridiculous overreaction to the Prism program. Only more incredible to this is the glorification of this clown of a traitor, who actually helped directly terrorists and just about any other criminal organizations that rely on IT for their operations. People that deal with stuff like human/drug/arms/... trafficking.
After Edward, all the aforementioned scumbags will know how to better hide themselves. Victims of this modern hero will be the average citizen who will fall pray to whatever BS the sick minded are cooking right now.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not justifying blindly everything governments do. Nor do i hate whistleblowers. In fact, i think wikileaks is awesome, as it revealed lots of interesting info like reports about foreign political crooks from various embassies, which is or public interest to the citizens of those countries, and so many more...
But... try and rationalize what Edward did.