Think I can run Assassins creed Unity?


Feb 13, 2014
Debating on buying Unity because of how close I am to the minimum specs, someone please help me decide, I will play it on low if I have to lmao

Cpu: Intel Core i5 3330 @3.0Ghz (3.2Ghz turbo)
8gbs of Ram
Gtx 760 (2gb Vram)
I have plenty of space for the game itself on my 1tb Hdd

If you dont think i can run it, I will probably just buy a next gen console because I can't afford a Pc upgrade atm
Your current set-up can run it fine, and better than a PS4 or Xbox One, no doubt. You however won't be able to max it out on 1080p without taking a dip in performance. From what I hear, it's going to be a very CPU bound title, and you'll feel the difference a 3330 provides as opposed to something a little stronger like a 4570 or 4590. But you gotta have that K, so I'd personally suggest a 4690K to get the most out of your card and game overall.

The 3330 doesn't become a bottleneck on the 760 very often at all. Only when the game becomes very CPU intensive would the small difference in performance emerge.

But to answer your question, you'll be able to play at moderate settings

You have to wait for the game. I am not sure though I think you will be able to run it on low settings or atleast on 720p.
The minimum system requierments stated by Ubisoft are ridiculous. 680/7970 minimum? Wtf ubi. My guess is you will be fine at 1080p low-mid settings at a reasonable framerate. You'll have to wait till the game is out for a definitive answer though.

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