I went to staples and paid 199.00 for Win 7 home prem. I then had some issues installing it so I took my rig to a computer shop. I left it there with my Win 7 disc, went back, paid for the service and exited. Before I left the store I verified the install of Win 7, which it worked and seemed to be correct. I just looked at my system and see that the Win 7 product ID is xxxx-OEM-xxxx ect ect. But this is not a OEM version and no where on my disk package or product key does it state OEM. So, before I go in tomorrow and confront this guy with the issues (and because I am a Police Officer and his store is in my jurisdiction) I want to make sure this isn't common. Before I go in a charge this individual with larceny of private property, i want to ensure I am not doing so incorrectly.