Think my psu blew out question about trying other older psu to check system?


May 12, 2014
Pretty sure my psu overheated, was gaming on high and the system already shut off once.. Anyways let it rest for about ten minutes tried turning it on and then heard a shock and smelled burnt wires. After that my mobo light wouldnt come back on, hoping it didnt hurt the rest of my system.

I have an older computer and figured may as well try the psu out, but may be compatibility issues, i honestly have no clue if it would further hurt the system. Anyways my newer mobo requires 8 pin and older psu only has four pin for cpu. I did hook the very minimum pieces and did see the mobo light turn on, but asking for help if ok to turn on system. If i do start it should i take my gpu out psu does have the proper six pin for it, just dont want to over run psu even though should be enough 585 watt. Im running win 10 amd 8350 8gigs ram, 500gb ssd and 2tb hdd with an older gtx 660which is plenty good for me. Hopefully that is enough information. Thanks for your help guys.
if your sure the older power supply works, yes. just as you described, remove the video card and go. plug the 4 pin 12V into the motherboards 8 pin, it will fit.

this should allow you to test the remaining parts of the system.
if your sure the older power supply works, yes. just as you described, remove the video card and go. plug the 4 pin 12V into the motherboards 8 pin, it will fit.

this should allow you to test the remaining parts of the system.
This is so weird never noticed before because, i guess always used a gpu this setup has no connection for video, no clue why. I do have another video card that requires no power pins, but obviously would have different drivers. What to do now use my current gpu or put in old one that requires less power, looks like have to use one or the other. If can connect other way im not aware have hdmi and vga cords, but main connection point doesnt support either just all usb.

I got impatient and decided to boot up with gpu, luckily it loaded fine, so think i got lucky no damage to system. Thanks for your help.