Thinking about going back to Nvidia..


Nov 28, 2010
Alright its been awhile since I've been to the Nvidia side but I know when I had a Nvidia I didn't feel I had any issues at all besides it wasn't strong enough.

Right now Current specs are in my signature but as far as video I'm running a R9 290 on a watercooling setup on 3x hanns-G screens so if I did go back to Nvidia what would you guys suggest?

dx12 games are rumored to use both card's memory in crossfire/sli as in instead of the normal 4gb with two 290s, you would get 8gb total. That is just a rumor though.
If you do go back, only worth it if you go for the gtx 980ti, or titan-x really.

Even then I would not say it is worth it.

I would wait till the next gpu lineup, which should be Pascal I think. That is when Nvidia will dip into hbm (rumors).

Adding another 290 will yield you much more performance for the money you pay. Especially if you can get one dirt cheap on ebay
Hahaha it was way worse yesterday morning. I ran out of air duster. N I was debating crossfire or changing... 290 are going cheaper now, should be able to pick one up cheaper then buying a new 700 dollar VC. N yes the cards are 4gb but even at max res on 3 screens I'm not even coming close to that on most games

The only game I've had issues on is Crysis 3. Project cars 3 is what I've been playing most and at most I've seen being used is just under 3GB. That's at 5760 x 1068. Pretty sure most of the settings are max out, Everytime I tried to mess with the settings I get an error so I leave it where it is. I will see what BT4 does since I haven't played it in awhile

Nvidia is overall better especially if you consider temperature / noise / driver IMHO....however if you only look performance and have 290 then you may go for SLI....then again....many games do not fully support SLI or do not support it at launch so having a more powerful single card it is a more "strategic" decision :)
Any amd card with aftermarket cooler is going to be on par/same as nvidia counter part in terms of temps and noise.

the latest refresh 300 series also use lot less power.

I have had both recently, and both sometimes get issues with drivers, neither is better in this department. In terms of features/other software, they have almost identical, freesync=gysync, shadow play= amd has one too but I dont know it's name.

The one thing amd does not have is a phys-x, which imo is not worth it.

If you plan on getting brand new card, go for the one that gives you the most performance for your money and your psu can handle.

I still suggest getting an aftermarket cooled 290 for crossfire for cheap and great performance increase, or waiting till next year's generation.