Third party serial ports


Oct 27, 2009
I have recently purchased a new intel DP55KG motherboard to assemble a new desktop. One of my peripherals is an external modem
but the motherboard does not have a serial port. Anyone have any info on compatible pci serial port cards or USB serial ports.

I hear what you're saying. Unfortunately I am forced to use the serial port modem because the medical software we use in our office requires an antiquated modem for bill submissions. If I could chuck it out the window, I would.
Lava is also a good choice for serial port cards. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of DOS-based software out there in the medical community... so if the modem doesn't have DOS support, you're out of luck. Serial port external modems are usually guaranteed to work with DOS-based software. You still can find hardware-based internal modems as well that have their own COM port... but I haven't had the chance to see how well they work with DOS.